Friday, February 4, 2011

"Oooh baby, just you shut your mouth!"

Ha! That's one of my favorite lyrics of all time, and everytime I hear it, I think of the movie, "The Wedding Singer." Such a fantastic movie. Anyways, it's just such an applicable lyric, and I don't think I know of any person that couldn't benefit from mulling over that line a little more- myself included!

This week I've encountered multiple occasions where I should just bite my tongue, or chose a more appropriate way to handle a conversation. I have to say, it's easy to become defensive of your behavior or the things you say, because in this country we're SO programmed to our "right to free speech," but I think we frequently take that out of context. Do we really have the right to voice our opinions wherever and however we want? Absolutely not.

I remember a teacher in high school saying that he and his college friends used to challenge each other to play the "Ephesians 4:29 Game."

 And what a challenge that would be...

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for the building up of others, according to their needs- that it may benefit those who listen."

So that's my focus for the weekend...

I'm thinking that will not come easy- but "I shall try." (NOTE: Can you believe all of my 1990's movie quotes in this blog post- reference: "Ever After"?!)

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