Thursday, February 24, 2011

30 Weeks: The Countdown is ON!

I cannot believe that we are already THIRTY WEEKS PREGNANT. That just sounds SO pregnant! Ha! This has been such a long and overwhelming week, so I will say, I am so absolutely thrilled that tomorrow is Friday, and that I get two full days with my husband. I enjoy working, and I enjoy talking to so many people throughout my days, but I have to say, at 30 weeks, I'm finally getting EXHAUSTED working so hard right now!

So, before I head to bed, here's my little weekly update:

I'm 30 Weeks!

How Far Along: 30 Weeks
Size of baby: According to Keegan weighs about the same as a head of cabbage: 3lbs and almost 16 inches long.. BIG KID in there! :)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Ha! I still haven't stood on the scale... that makes over two weeks since I've stood on the scale. But let's just say, that according to everything I read, Keegan will be gaining about a half a pound a week until about 37 weeks. Get it, son!
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity... except for stretchy tee's and exercise pants. I actually just rediscovered sports bras... Mine are WAY too small, but I just love that it makes me look somewhat normal up top again!
Gender: Mr. Keegan Michael :)
Movement: Keegan's got the moves. He now sticks his butt out and moves it from one side of my belly to the other. Funny guy! Must get his sense of humor from his dad... HA!
Sleep: NOT sleeping well at all anymore. No matter how tired I am, I am more sore, so I have trouble sleeping, then as soon as I do I wake up an hour later to use the girls room!
What I miss: Oh you know, just bending over, and not walking like I have saddle sore! 
Cravings: Still Sushi, and now CINNAMON RAISIN TOAST WITH BUTTER, Jalepeno's
Symptoms: Sleepiness, sore joints, sore boobs, acid reflux, pain in my pubic bone, and some shortness of breath. 
Best Moment this week: Seeing my little mister in 3D... he is SUCH a looker!!! I can't stop thinking about that baby boy now!

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