Thursday, January 27, 2011

26 Weeks

Here we go!

Only 14 weeks left... but right now that seems so long! Last week it felt like I JUST found out I was pregnant... this week though, I'm feeling like I've been pregnant forever. I can't figure out why. This whole pregnancy thing is a total roller coaster! I can't wait to meet the finished product- but lets just say the process can be so tiring and emotionally draining.

There are so many friends of mine that absolutely love being pregnant. I'll never forget one of my friends telling me that she's never felt sexier (yes, I said sexier) ever in her life than when she was pregnant. Oh, how I wish I was one of those girls!!! :) There are some incredible things about being pregnant: like feeling my son dancing around (ha, I made the mistake tonight of eating an entire packet of Fun Dip... Keegan is lovin' it!).

Bless my Kristopher's heart, though... He treats me like a queen when I feel like a total buttface!

So here's the bod at 26 weeks:

I'm 26 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Size of baby: Keegan is about the size of an English Hothouse Cucumber... whatever that is! But it must be big because Keegs sure is growing! (according to
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 15lbs... Wahhh...
Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants exclusively (other than sweats!) and maternity shirts (well I guess occasionally I'll wear regular shirts but never where anyone can see me because I look like a crazy in them!) 
Gender: Baby Boy- Keegan Michael :)
Movement: He's a dancer! I've always just really felt him when I've been sitting and laying down, but this week he's been kicking SO hard even when I'm standing and walking around.
Sleep: I've had a lot of trouble FALLING asleep lately. I don't know if it's anxiety or if its just because I'm uncomfortable... but I definitely don't have trouble hitting snooze for an hour in the mornings!
What I miss: Shopping for clothes and having a lot more energy... guess I should get used to it... from what I hear I won't be hittin' snooze in the morning too much longer!!! :)
Cravings: Sushi still, PEANUT BUTTER AND BLACKBERRY JAM SANDWICHES, and Chocolate pudding. Mmm! All of those together sound like the perfect meal to me! Ha!
Symptoms: Sleepiness, sore joints, sore boobs! HA! Definitely some other things that shouldn't be posted on the internet!
Best Moment this week: We've discovered the flashlight game with Keegan. I read that if you shine a flashlight on your belly you can see if your baby responds and that will check to see if their little eyes are working properly... We laughed so hard the couple times we did it- because he seemed SO surprised! I love getting to know my son's little personality before he's even born. I know he'll be so different after, but those little glimmers into who he is-is so amazing! :)

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