Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolutions 2012

This year I'm really not doing my usual type of resolutions. I think it's an unspoken and assumed thing that after a woman has a baby, she obviously wants to lose the weight, and get her bikini bod back... HA! So, that goes without saying.

Instead, there are a few things that I've seen in myself that I want to work on over the next year. Since Keegan was born, I find myself surfing the internet on my cell phone ALL the time. I can't stand it. I don't even realize I'm doing it most the time, but talk about a horrible way for my child to see me. I don't want him to look back and remember me playing on my phone when I should be just simply spending time with him.

I know it'll be hard. But I'm going to take little steps. For instance, when I'm sitting with him at the table feeding him, I'm not going to be playing on my phone. I'm going to be with him. When I'm upstairs rocking him while he's sleeping. I'm not going to play on my phone. I'm going to be with him. These times are so fleeting, and I don't want to look back regretting all the time I spent on worthless things, like the internet. Yes, I love blogging because it marks a lot of important milestones for our little family. And I love Facebook because it's an instant family album to share with all of our family and friends. But it's not nearly as important as my son.

Another thing, is that I so frequently talk about wanting to spend more time with Jesus daily. But how do I do it? If it's not a set plan, how will it get done? How will I stay on track? Well, Riverview has a Text Project that they do every year. Kris and I decided that together, we want to read through the entire New Testament this year via Riverview's text project. So the goal is a couple chapters or so a day. Attainable? Yes. Easy? No. I know we will just have to make it a priority in both of our lives. We have so many other "priorities" and other very important things pulling us in different ways. It's just a matter of either starting or ending our days right, and in The Word.

These seem like really little things. I know they are. But I really feel like the little things are the hardest habits to make and break. Agh.

Happy New Year, world!

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