Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nine month birthday- What, What?!

How the HECK did this happen? How did the past nine months fly by so quickly?! It seems like just yesterday you were my tiny little baby sleeping in his bouncy seat and snuggling up with Momma on the Boppy.

Now you're a big NINE MONTH OLD (Yesterday)!

Let's chat about what you've been up to this month...

You're growing very well. At your nine month appointment yesterday you were 17.8 lbs, and 28 inches long. You've grown a whole 7 1/2 inches since you were born, and have gained about 11 pounds. You're in the 49th % for height, and are only in the 10th % for weight... don't worry, though, your head's still growing!! Up to the 90th % for your head! :) HA!!

We're working really hard to help you with the weight thing, though. The doctor said that she is going to have us come back in the next month for a weight check to make sure you're still gaining well, though. We are feeding you all sorts of yums to try and pack on the pounds. Today at lunch you had some Chef Boyardee ravioli and some (regular- not non-fat) yogurt. We're adding extra scoops of formula to your bottles too! Here's hoping that big kid shows some weight gain next month when we go in for the check!

 Keegan Michael eating some Chef Boyardee... mmmMmmm!

You're silly, especially now that you can crawl. You follow us around the house and get into everything that you shouldn't. You like to find cords to lamps and computers and pull on them. You get very sad if Mommy says, "Keegan Michael! No no!"

 Keegan at the doctor... it's a whole new adventure now that he's mobile... ripping the paper, trying to crawl off the table... Don't worry, though, there was a mirror he could entertain himself in :)

You wear size 12 month clothes. You've been wearing them for a while and holdin' pretty steady in them. I'm thinking they'll last a while because the next size up is 18 months, and they're HUGE compared to your little booty. You're wearing size 3 diapers, and the older you get, the more I find that MOST diaper brands are working for you. When you were littler, there were a few brands that were just horrible for you.

You're still sleeping awesome- normally about 11-12 hours straight a night. When you teeth, you only wake up for a second at a time and will give out a cry, but fall right back asleep. We thank you for your sleeping. We appreciate it and are taking advantage of it while it lasts. Goodness knows that not all of your brothers and sisters will sleep like you, Mr. Big Kid.

You high five now, too. It's cute because you get SO excited. You're working on clapping, and working on waving. You are so darn fun now! We just have a good time hangin' out! You love to walk around with Daddy holding your hands. You're FAR from walking on your own, but you definitely think that you're ready to go! HA! SO funny.

Thank you for being such a good, sweet boy, Keegan. We are SO blessed to be able to call your our son! You bring joy to everyone you meet with your sweet grin and friendly demeanor.

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