Saturday, December 31, 2011

A wrap up...

2011 was the best year of my life so far. I can't even seem to remember what life was like before April 25 of this year, but that's just fine by me. God has worked on both Kris and my heart's so much this year. I've seen such a shift in priorities, and it's exciting. I pray that God can continue to work on our hearts, and help us to properly prioritize over 2012.

I know He has so many blessings in store, not only for our little family, but so many people around me. There are so many friends and family member's being lifted up in prayer, and I'm confident that God has big plans for 2012, and I can't wait.

This has not been the type of New Years Eve that I would have planned on, though.

Two nights ago I woke up most of the night and was super sick. I didn't go into work, but I still took Keegan Michael to daycare so that he could stay away from his sick momma, and so I could go to the doctor and come home and sleep until Kris picked him up from school. I went to the doctor, they gave me a prescription, ordered some blood tests, and I came home to sleep. An hour later, a phone call came through from Keegan's school. He had a temperature of nearly 102 degrees. I felt like such a bad momma for sending him to school with a temp, but honestly, I was so focused on NOT having him around his sick mom, that I didn't even realize that he already had a fever!

We went to the pediatrician and they gave him a Z-Pack, so he shouldn't be contagious within 24 hours. However, to be safe, we cancelled our dinner reservations for tonight at a fancy restaurant here in town. While at the doctor's, Keegan was weighed and had only gained a few ounces in the past month. Ugh! He eats SO much! So now we're busy loading him up with calories to try and beef him up and hopefully take him out of the 9th percentile... or at least help him to continue growing at a steady pace rather than continuing to slow his gaining (he had dropped from the 18th to the 9th in one month). Skinny little boy!

Yesterday afternoon Keegan came home and went down for a nap. Would you believe that baby slept from 4:00PM-6:00AM?! 14 HOURS! I did give him a bottle at 6:00PM, though, while he continued to sleep. He seems like he might be feeling slightly better, but he's still a little out of it. Here's hoping he's back to his normal self in time for church tomorrow!

So for tonight, Kris and I are getting carry out sushi and splitting a bottle of champagne and will probably fall asleep before midnight. Life is good.

Here's to a fabulous 2012.

Cheers from the Karolkiewicz'!

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