Monday, July 25, 2011

Three months old today!

Keegan Michael, you are THREE MONTHS OLD Today!!!

Time goes by faster and faster every day. I feel like I just did your two month post... but you know they say time flies when you're having fun... and we have been having fun!!!!

You're still wearing size one diapers, and I think you'll be in those for at least another month. You don't go to the doctor until four months, so I'm not sure how much you weigh, but if I had to guess I'd put you at about twelve pounds. I know my arms are starting to get sore when I carry you around for a while!

You're starting to outgrow your three month clothes and are starting to wear some six month clothes. You're still super skinny- so in shorts you actually still wear a couple of newborn pairs! But you seem to be growing inches every day. Whenever people see you they say you look much bigger... but I still think you're small for your age. You're growing proportionately so I think you're still in the 20-30 percentile.

You go through phases where you ONLY want Mom, or you ONLY want Dad. You are a joy to have around, except for when you only want the other parent... :)

We gave you baby food for the first time yesterday... Your first meal: Green Beans and Sweet Potatoes! Just a little of each, but you loved it, and seemed to react well to it. We won't be switching you to that exclusively, but maybe once every couple days or so just so you can start getting used to it!

You're also starting to grab for things... Better start picking up a little better than I do, or else I have a feeling that pretty soon you'll be getting into things a lot more!

You and I are no longer breast feeding. You weened yourself after getting used to having thickener in your bottle! I tried to for a while, but you would cry and cry. You're just a big kid!

You've gone to daycare a couple days a week for the past couple of weeks so you can adjust and so Mommy can study. You've been a HIT and such a good boy when you're there. You finish every bottle when you're there... Funny, you putz around a lot more when you're at home with mom!

You smile ALL the time. You're a very happy boy, and you have a dimple on your right cheek, just like Mom! You've also started belly laughing this month! So far Mom's the only one to really be able to get you to deep down belly laugh... Don't worry, Daddy. I'm sure SOMEDAY he'll be saying "Good one, Dad!"

You've been consistently sleeping anywhere from 6-8 hours straight a night... Granted, there's always an exception, but you do great!

Things you LOVE: whistling, Baby in the Mirror, walks in your jogging stroller, singing with Mom, "baby weights" with Dad, baths and swimming, bedtime stories (Goodnight Little Pookie, If I Could Keep You Little and Childrens Bible Stories are our routine!)

Life is better and better every day that passes with you. I love learning your likes and dislikes, and getting to see your personality continue to develop!

Thank you for being such a joy, my lovey bug!

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