Friday, July 15, 2011

New job, new look, big day!

Well I posted on Facebook earlier today that I will no longer be working at Chase as of today. THAT is the big secret way that God has been working in Kris and my lives, and I'm so glad to be able to finally share it. I will be working at a local insurance agency part time, as opposed to full time at the bank. The thing about Chase, too, is that they don't have normal "bankers hours." Most days when I worked I didn't get home until 7:00 or so, and had to work about every other Saturday when I wouldn't get home until 3:00.

They were great to me, however, I would have the worst possible time being away from Keegan all that time. What's even more awesome is that the man I am working for is an incredible Christian man, who runs his business accordingly. He even told me when I interviewed that he was looking for someone with a servant's heart, and that HIS job is to be a servant to his employees! WOW! I had been praying that God would open a door for me to spend more time with Keegan, and when I got the phone call from this agency, and then when I sat in his office interviewing and he said that, I KNEW it was an absolute answer to prayer.

Don't get me wrong- going from full time to part time will definitely put a strain on us financially. But I'm confident that God is good and He will continue to provide for us. HE placed this opportunity with an amazingly understanding and family focused company in my life, so I know He will continue to watch over us and provide on a daily basis. I will now be home FOUR FULL DAYS A WEEK! Yay!

Any of my coupon clippin' friends out there: I will be needing lessons! I want to be a super couponer now! Ha! More like I NEED to be a super couponer now!

OH, and Hey! Anyone notice the new look to my blog?! Look at me become a little techier! I will try to mix up the page design every season, just for a little change! :) If I still have this summery looking design come the end of September, someone please remind me... I'm trying to be a hip blogger and from what I see, it's "hip" to change your design... HA! Sometimes I love saying things that make me seem so old!

Anyway, the baby fell asleep early tonight, so I will enjoy Dateline before bed... Oh how my Friday's have changed... very much for the better! :)

Enjoy your Saturday, all!

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