Thursday, March 10, 2011

SO this is what EIGHT months pregnant feels like... 32 Week Update!

Wow... Eight months... I know that if you carry your baby all the way to 40 weeks you're "pregnant" for about 10 months... but EIGHT MONTHS just seems crazy to me. When I think of how much has happened since we took that first test (which was so absolutely faint, anyone else would have called me crazy for seeing that it was positive)- the day after our one year anniversary/Kris' 32nd birthday, it just blows my mind how blessed we are. I am so excited to have this little boy who is the perfect combination of his dad and me.

Anyway, today was definitely not a GOOD day. I had started coming down with something a couple of days ago, but it really muscled up yesterday. I thought by going to bed super early last night I could kick this thing in the hiney- but I woke up this morning with my voice nearly completely gone, and when I would talk or move I would break out into such a chesty cough that I would start gagging! It was miserable. Luckily, I already had a doctor's appointment scheduled for this morning at 8:00am.

My fantastic doctor, definitely took care of me with the whole coughing thing. She prescribed me the best cough suppressant I've ever had in my life and some antibiotics. The cough suppressant had some sleeping stuff in it- so when I came home and took it I slept for nearly FIVE HOURS STRAIGHT! The only thing that woke me up were my naughty doggies... :)

I told my doctor about some symptoms I've been having lately, which ended up kind of concerning them- so what should have been a quick in and out half hour appointment turned into a two hour appointment where they ran all sorts of different tests on Keegan and I. They hooked me up to the fetal heart rate monitor for a half hour to monitor any possible contractions and monitored his heart rate. They did some "lady" exams and then took me to have an ultrasound to measure his amniotic fluids. I didn't think anything of the symptoms that I mentioned- but I just LOVE my doctors. They took such precautions to absolutely make sure everything is going well with my little mister... and so far, so good. He is lookin' and feelin' great! :)

I had my prescriptions filled at Target- and while they filled them I mingled through the baby area (I KNOW, I should just stay away). Fifteen minutes later I walked out with a bag of medicine and Keegan's first pair of shoes....

I KNOW, I KNOW!! Plaid again! But they will go with EVERYTHING! My son is already so preppy- even in the womb! I just couldn't resist. I love them, and can't wait to dress my little peanut boy up.

Also, I realized I have yet to blog about one of my new favorites... I had purchased these necklaces on Etsy through Tinabeads- I bought one for ME, and luckily the day before I ordered, my friend, Dorelle had decided on the name Gavin for their baby boy, so I ordered one for her as well for one of her baby shower gifts from a few weeks back:

It's a silver hand-stamped necklace that says, "Keegan" on it, and a little dangley diamond. Ha, you're supposed to do the birthstone- but with Keegan being due so close to April- I figured I'd rather do the diamond stone which will go with EVERYTHING... plus, it may be a little wishful thinking too... Ha! It wouldn't hurt for him to be one week early!! :)

Anyway, onto the weekly update:

I'm 32 Weeks!

How Far Along: 32 Weeks Pregnant
Size of baby: About 16 1/2 inches long, and weighs just about 4 lbs! 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Welp, I stood on the scale at the doctors office this morning... and this morning it registered that I have only gained a total of 21 lbs. SO, that means that me being sick may have attributed to the whole lack of appetite. I just think he's smooshing my stomach too. So I'm actually down a few pounds from last week.
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity- all maternity pants, and some regular shirts.
Gender: My baby boy, Mr. Keegan Michael :)
Movement: He moves so much. I feel like a lot of the time he does it to try and be a funny guy. Today while they were trying to monitor his heart rate he kept moving away from the doppler the whole time... FUNNY GUY- just like his dad! Ha!
Sleep: I've had some trouble sleeping lately- thank the Lord for that spectacular cough medicine she gave me! I will be feeling much better in no time, I'm sure!
What I miss: Oh you know, just bending over, and not walking like I have saddle sore! 
Cravings: MILK, Cadbury Creme Eggs, and anything spicy. Mmm!
Symptoms: Sleepiness, sore joints, sore boobs, acid reflux, pain in my pubic bone, and some shortness of breath... my sciatic has been acting up, and pregnancy brain big time, other things are no one's bizzznesss!
Best Moment this week: Probably my five hour nap this afternoon! Yay!

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