Thursday, March 24, 2011

34 week update!

Tomorrow is Friday and I am so excited. This is going to be a great weekend. Saturday will be so exhausting but SO fun. My mom, sisters, mother-in-law, grandma-in-law and sister-in-law all got their heads together for my baby shower which is going to be a great time. I have some friends coming from all over Michigan, and family coming all the way from Chicago! I never had a bridal shower, so I'm really looking forward to experiencing this shower. It's so fun to get together with so many friends and family and celebrate a very special boy.... Keegan Michael!

Also, that night I'm getting baptized at Riverview. I am so excited to finally follow such a basic command, "Go and be baptized"... it's about time, Mandy! Ha! Needless to say, I will be so tired Saturday night. Good thing we have NOTHING going on Sunday, and we get to just lay around all day!!!

Today we had our 34 week appointment. I feel like I never asked any questions in any of my previous appointments, but the closer and closer I get to giving birth I have SO many different questions, and I think my doctor probably thinks I'm a looney!

It was too funny- the last time we went they had told me to make sure to eat and drink before I came the next time because Keegan was a little sleepy a couple of weeks ago. So, I had my little cup of coffee and my bowl of Cheerios, and my word, when they checked that boy's heartrate- the nurse was a little alarmed because he was so wired (his heart rate is usually in the 140's-150's, but his was 176 today)! Ha! They must not know Kris and I very well... we're both easily excitable- he's just like us!

Welp, time to update:

Normally I'm really good at remembering to have Kris take my picture each week before blog day. But, I forgot, and he is at class until late this evening, so I'm mirroring it up this week! Note: my cute new top from Banana Republic! :)

I'm 34 Weeks!

How Far Along: 34 Weeks Pregnant
Size of baby: Almost 18 inches long, and about 4 3/4 lb's... Whew! Can I just say, my mom told me today that I was just 19 inches when I was born?! I was a little baby, though. I wish Keegan takes after Momma and is not TOO big! :) 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: AH. Two weeks ago surprised me. It showed me at just a 21 pound weight gain. TODAY surprised me because I gained FOUR POUNDS in the past two weeks! I have GOT to start sticking to Subway on my lunch breaks!! :) So for now, I'm at 25lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity- all maternity pants, and some regular shirts.
Gender: My baby boy, Mr. Keegan Michael :)
Movement: AH. He is SO busy. But, the doctor said he's still "perfectly positioned and head down"- she actually said he's very well behaved. HA! This lady begs to differ sometimes! Anyway, Even though he's head down, he likes to kick me in the lungs quite frequently. Sometimes it feels like he knocks the wind right outta me while I'm mid sentence!
Sleep: I've had some trouble sleeping lately- lots of potty trips!
What I miss: Oh you know, just bending over, and not walking like I have saddle sore! 
Cravings: Milk and Cadberry eggs, spicy food (which I have to stay away from because even water gives me acid reflux anymore!)
Symptoms: Sleepiness, sore joints, sore boobs, acid reflux, pain in my pubic bone, a lot more shortness of breath... my sciatic has been acting up, and pregnancy brain big time...
Best Moment this week: Well... again, nothing quite in particular. I am happy to just be crossing things off our to-do list before Mr. Bitty decides to make his little arrival!

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