Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hooter Hider and Hospital Bag!

So that time has come already... can you believe it?! As ready as I feel to meet this baby boy, at the same time it feels like I couldn't possibly be pregnant for this long already. We're starting to talk hospital bag, and making sure that we are ready. Seriously, everyone I know who is due before me has either given birth early, or they're anticipating that they may be early. So, since I jumped on the "I'm-having-a-baby-boy-band-wagon", I may just jump on the "two-or-three-weeks-early-band-wagon" too (or maybe I'm just hoping a little :)... So better to be safe then sorry!

There's a number of great suggestions online for things to pack in the hospital bag that I'm so thankful I've read, or else I would have definitely forgotten, and definitely regretted!

For instance: CHAPSTICK. I just don't think I would have remembered to pack that!

Also, my mom encouraged me to get a cute robe/nursing nightie set to have at the hospital. We picked up a cute one, and I'm definitely glad she recommended that. Oh those little things that you would not think of on your own with your first baby!

I can tell that we're nearing the end. All sorts of crazy symptoms have been happening that I haven't had much. On Saturday I had an insane migraine (I am NOT a migraine girl!), where my face was numb, my vision went, I was seeing white spots, and my hands would go numb off an on! Ha, other then the fact that it was kind of scary, it was the oddest sensation! I felt like I was losing it! :)

Also, this boy has GOT to be dropping (but somehow, at the same time is still managing to sit RIGHT on my lungs so I can hardly breathe :). I am aching and I think I'm walking funny because of it, because I feel like I've pulled my upper inner thigh muscles! I'm a hot mess if I do say so myself! Please be praying for me. I am so much crabbier now that these odd-ball symptoms are kicking in, which makes it so hard for me to get through the week cheerfully.

High point of my day: purchasing the newest accessory for the hospital bag:


Don't you just love it?! I think it is sooo chic and cute, and I love the ruffles on it. I think it adds a little somethin' extra!

I am so thankful to my sister, Molly. For my birthday she had given me a gift certificate that works at both Destination Maternity and Motherhood Maternity. I've been holding onto it (aka: I leave to go to one of those stores with the intention to use that gift card and then get there and realize I forgot it because this whole pregnancy brain is a real thing!!!), and FINALLY brought it with me today for this purchase. Total I ended up spending just over $10 on it, and I could NOT be more excited! Ha, oh the things that we get excited about as we grow up.

Anyway, we're really coming along... and we would really appreciate your prayers during these last few weeks... That Keegan will be healthy and strong, and that Kris and I can remain as stress-free as possible during the last few weeks of pregnancy.

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