Monday, April 30, 2012


On my way home from work today I had a close call. I was on I-496 and it was still raining (as it had been all day). Before I knew it I was hydroplaning. Across the freeway. Back and forth. Finally into the ditch. I was going about 70. In that split second I prayed out loud, "Lord- protect me!" My car SHOULD have rolled. I'm NOT a super driver or anything, so if you would ask me what to do in that instance I would have said to hit the brakes. Somehow I didn't hit the brakes. Praise the Lord. If I would have slammed the brakes it would have been SO much worse.

But there I sat. In a ditch. Upset because I was in a ditch, after a really crazy, super short staffed day at work. Praise the Lord for roadside assistance. While I awaited the tow guy I scrolled through my Facebook on my phone.

I've been praying for a family at our church whose baby born was born with heart defects and has been fighting for his life since he was born 12 days ago. I've never met his mom or dad, my heart ached.

Elijah passed away today. I read his momma's blog and I sat in that ditch and bawled. I bawled because of their loss. I bawled because I couldn't imagine that despair- that emptiness and helplessness that they must be feeling right now. I bawled because I thought of my baby.

It could have been so much worse. I was fine. My son was fine. My husband was fine. They were safe and home. I sat and a cried realizing how selfish I had been to be bothered that I was in the ditch. Safe.

Please lift this family up in prayer!


  1. popped in from Kelly's Korner! I used to live in Okemos on Karen Ann Drive in an apartment! We are in Athens, AL now. Love your blog!

  2. Stoping by from Kelly's Corner. So glad to hear you are ok from this accident and praying for this grieving family. XO, Alisha from
