Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Getting back to it!


Look at that. I'm horrible at blogging again! Ha!

Keegan, I'm sorry. I've been so bad at remembering your monthly posts. We've had a crazy month or so. But Lord willing we're getting back into the swing of life.

I've been praying for peace right where we are in life. I've been working my booty off to try and get this house sold for over a year, and I hate to say, I think as a result I've become so impatient waiting, waiting, waiting that I probably haven't enjoyed every day to the fullest. That being said, that's why I'm really praying for peace. This time with my baby is so precious and I can't get it back. Why stress myself silly over things completely out of my control?!

On some more optimistic notes...

#1) The upside of this stress over the past month: I'm now officially 8lbs BELOW my pre-pregnancy weight! Woot woot! Between working out and nervous energy, plus healthier eating- it's actually seemed to fall off. I have been walking about 2.5-3 miles a day, at least 5 times a week (mostly on the treadmill until it warns up a little more) and have done free weights and crunches. I'm not a super toned girl, but it feels good to get back.

#2) Keegy Peegy is now 11 months old. Whaaaaat?! When did that happen?! Ha- well, specifically it happened on March 25, but still. It's crazy. He's such a riot, too. I can't believe when I was pregnant I really wanted a girl. Now I love having a boy SO much I'm (secretly) hoping for all boys. But, I know I'd be thrilled with whoever God blesses us with!

Keegan is getting close to the 20 lb mark. He's so silly and fun. He's got SIX teeth now. 4 up top, two on the bottom. He looks like such a big kid. He's wearing size 3 diapers (on a side note: am I the only one that think the Huggies Slip On's are much harder to get on a wiggly baby?!), and size 12 Month clothes. He wears size 3 shoes.

The newest skill acquired: waving bye bye! I love it! You are so proud when you do it too.

Also, you are transitioning over to milk. I still give you a couple bottles of formula throughout the day so you can get your vitamins. What a big boy. Now when you drink your bottle or eat, you push me away so you can do it yourself. Well jeez- fine- who needs a mommys help anywhere?!?!

You love to sit in the bathtub while it's still filling up- the faucet amazes you! What fun, huh?!

You bring me such joy my little Buttsy Boy! Thank you for reminding me of what's important, and loving me so sweetly and consistently! Daddy and I love you SO!!!

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