Thursday, April 26, 2012

Birthday boy and wonderful, fabulous, very fun, fancy pants day

Mr. ONE Year Old!!!!!

The night before last, I rocked my less than one year old one last time, laid you in bed and came downstairs a crying mess. This year went too soon. I am so proud of the little boy you're growing into, and the joyful and cheerful presence that you bring to everyone when you enter a room.

Everywhere we go- you make friends. You make eye contract and crane your neck around with a great big smile on your face. I love it. There's nothing that brightens people day like a baby thinking they're a fabulous. And Keegy Peegy- you have made so many people's days better!

Life is so much better now that it was a year ago. We have gotten to know each other now, and we're in in sync as a family. We all have our roles. Daddy and I have learned to work together with you- and he has his things that he does for you well, and I have things that I can do well. We have learned when to give each other breaks.

Let's get down to the nitty gritty of Mr. 12 months old as of yesterday:

You're wearing primarily size 12 month clothes, but also some 18 month shirts.

You're still in size 3 diaps.

You're a size 3 shoe, but we're gonna be having to get some size 4 shoes here soon, though!

You're still in school two days a week. You love, love, love it! I have decided that if we're able to have all our kids spend a little time in school at such a young age- we will- because you are a little social butterfly. You crawl up to anyone and everyone (ha, even those people who aren't too excited about babies!).

You get into EVERYTHING. Praise the Lord for cabinet locks and baby gates. You're FAST at crawling up the stairs. And you're 100% boy- always falling, bumping and scraping- and then getting right back up and doing the same thing again!

You walk about 4-5 steps at a time. It's just easier for you to get down on your knees and crawl. Ha!

I think you weigh about 19 pounds, and are probably around 29.5 inches if I had to guess. Your check up is this afternoon, so we'll see how close Momma is!

You say, "Dada," "Baba," "Mama," "Dogs," and "Yeah."

You tip your head to the side and do Big blue eyes- we call it your Cute Baby face. You do it when we say, "cute baby" OR if we tell you, "Keegan Michael- No, no." Haha! What manipulation!!!

You also have started raising your hands up and shrugging when we say, "I don't know." I have NO idea where you got that, but boy is it funny!!! We pushed you in the stroller around the mall and you'd look at strangers and do I Don't Know. What a goof!!!!

Yesterday on your birthday, we ran errands together, you came with me to meet with the surgeon about my gallbladder, and then we came home and you took a great nap. When Daddy came home we went to Applebees and you had your own kids meal of grilled cheese and fries- CHOCOLATE MILK- and then we all split their triple chocolate meltdown for dessert!

Your birthday party is on Saturday. We're only having family since our families are really big not everyone's able to make it, but we're still going to have over 20 people. Whew! I'll do a post about your big ol' party maybe on Sunday.

Love you, Keegy-Peegy-Pop-Pop-Pop!!!

This has been the best year of our lives. How blessed are we to have such a joyful and fun boy?!


After Keegan's 12 Month Check Up, his stats are as follows...

Weight: 19lbs 8oz (~25th %)
Height: 30 3/4 inches long (85th %- wow!)
Head: I don't remember the measurement but it's still ~85%!

My big boy is really actually getting big!

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