Monday, August 15, 2011

Sweet Memory and a Kind Reminder

This weekend we remembered a good man. Kris' grandpa welcomed me with open arms from the first day I met him, and I was kindly reminded of that this weekend. It's definitely not always easy being a second wife or entering a family that's already established.

I met Grandma and Grandpa before I met anyone else in Kris' family, and before Kris met any of my family. We had to have been dating only about a week or so, but after hearing Kris talk they insisted we come up to Grand Rapids for dinner at a nice restaurant. I wore my red dress, black peeptoe heels and my hair curled. Grandpa wore a sport coat.

After dinner we went back to Grandma and Grandpa's condo. In the kitchen Grandpa put his arm around Kris and I'll never forget what I overheard him say: "This is who you've needed all along. A little peanut for you just like Grandma is for me." Don't get me wrong- anyone that's heard us joke about Bill and Virg's relationship can't deny that at times it could be volatile. But after 64 years of marriage, through the ups and downs, there is an undeniable love there.

Those sentences touched me more than anyone could imagine. Grandpa saw what I felt from the first day I spent with Kristopher. Everytime I saw him he never stopped the flow of compliments- he was a charmer and remained that even after he passed. How could he turn on the charm from the grave, you may ask?

Through his sisters.

I'd never met them before, but SO many times during the past 3 years, Grandpa would tell me how much he wanted me to meet his sisters because  would love them so much.

I met 3 of his 4 sisters at his memorial on Saturday. Right when I needed it most, one of his sisters hugged me and said, "Everytime we talked to Bill on the phone he would talk about how we needed to meet you- that we would love you. He was right."

So, Grandpa, there are a few things I am eternally grateful to you for:

1) Always seeing what Kris and I have- from the very start, and never once questioning it.
2) Never letting us wonder how very loved we were by you.
3) For passing your class and grace in every situation onto my husband.

Your legacy continues on and you will be missed tremendously by our family.

Three years ago- all snazzied up!

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