Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy Birthversary (coined by my brother in law, Brad)!!!

Thirty-three years ago today my best friend and other half was born, and I could not be more thankful for him.

Two years ago today I got a husband.

And two years later, he is still amazing and fantastic.

Kristopher Michael, I love you. And will until I die. Thank you for the best few years of my life (so far), and for the most amazing gift I could ever get: Mr. Keegan Michael (well, I guess our other future children will be just as amazing of gifts... so thanks in advance ;)

Thank you for standing by me. Thank you for supporting me- no matter what I do. Thank you for encouraging my change of jobs/staying home more even though that means some things change. Thank you for learning how to be the most incredible Dad. Thank you for remaining an incredible husband through every change we've faced.

Here's how we  celebrated this weekend:

On Friday when I got home from work, we quickly changed and went out to Dusty's Cellar on our first date since Keegan was born while my mom stayed back with baby boy. We kept it quick, but enjoyed it thoroughly none the less. Mmmm-mmmm-mmmm (If you ever are in the Okemos area and looking for a fabulous dinner, give them a try)! We still are looking for a babysitter in the Okemos area (so please keep us in mind if you hear of anyone!), but would love to start going out more at least once every couple of weeks. It's important to have a little bit of grown up time!

When we got home we sang Daddy "Happy Birthday" and did presents. Keegan and I worked hard on Keegan's present the day before, so Keegan was excited to give his Dad his gift:

Keegan made Kris a mosaic stepping stone for the garden- with his little footprint in it. Mommy helped by mixing the concrete and putting in the pieces of glass. Daddy loved it.

I found a cute gift for Kris online- nickname coffee mugs! Since we found out I was pregnant Kris' nickname became Big Daddy. I always have Keegan "call" him that when we talk :) From the beginning of our relationship, though, I was Buns. That one's just kind of stuck. And NO, if you are NOT my husband you may NOT call me that! :)

Kris got me a gift certificate to the same spa that he had gotten me a prenatal massage at... I can't wait to use it, and to be able to have a REGULAR massage without having to look out for my big ol' belly!
Saturday we really did just putz around all day. We. Did. Nothing. It was rainy and gloomy, and the most perfect day to stay inside with our family and snuggle up.

But we did get a suprise at our door:

Ha! Kris' Grandma sent us anniversary flowers. Very sweet, and fresh flowers always brighten a home!

Today, however, was OUR day.

For breakfast I made Kris his favorite: homemade sausage gravy and biscuits. This time I made it with spicy sausage, and it was DELISH! After breakfast we got ready and headed to Riv.

We love our church, and it was so nice to be able to go after a few super extra busy weekends. It was great to see some friends that we haven't seen in a while, and nice to meet some new people as well.

After church we decided it was the PERFECT day for the zoo. It was decently cool and perfectly sunny. And this time Keegan was a big enough boy to look around and enjoy the atmosphere.

Toward the end of our time at the zoo, Keegs just wanted us to hold him and carry him around. He kept trying to be funny :) He succeeded!

Tonight we had a great meal. Kind of a hodge podge- but great! We made yummy wedge salads with red onion, grape tomato, bacon, blue cheese and balsamic dressings...

AND we made home made salsa. My husband's Dad had a great recipe last year and that kind of played with to make it perfect to our taste... I think this was our best batch so far! Here's the recipe:

  • Boil 10 Tomatillos until they become translucent (but do not break in the water!)
  • Take the cooked Tomatillos and place in a blender with a little vidalia onion and one habenaro pepper.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Add about 3 tablespoons of sugar and blend some more.
  • Cool and serve!

AH. So delicious. I think I need some more before we go to bed tonight :)

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