Thursday, August 25, 2011

FOUR MONTHS OLD!!! (And some new addictions...for me, not my 4 month old!)

Well GEEZ LOUISE, Keegan Michael! Time has not flown by so quickly any time in my life until YOU came along! And by far, the BEST 4 months of both my and Daddy's lives.

We love you so much. Here's a little update on where you're at today- your FOUR MONTH BIRTHDAY!


And you are still a tiny little peanut. You are in size 1-2 diapers (they're a half size- they only fit up to 15lbs, which is perfect for you... because you're still so teeny tiny). Our favorite diapers for you right now are the Pamper's print's diapers. They're one of the few brands that have 1/2 size diapers, and they have cute little blue and green cars on them, or Daddy's favorite: ARGYLE! They're darling and you look so cute.

I'm not sure on your weight yet. You had a doctor's appointment last week for your first sickness (Bronchitis) and they weighed you then... and exactly one week shy of 4 months you only weighed 12.8lbs. I love how little you are- I feel like we get great use out of your clothes!!! :) HA!

However, you are going through a growth spurt the past few days. You've drank your entire 5 ounce bottle almost every 1.5-2 hours for the past two days. Two nights ago you were getting up all night long to eat too (ugh) but last night you were back to sleeping like a king.

More nights than not you sleep anywhere from 9-10 hours straight. Now, obviously every baby has their nights, so it's not every single night, but the majority.

You have learned two new things with your voice...

#1: Earlier this month you somehow learned how to growl. And you would growl all the time, every where we went, VERY loud. It cracked me up when we were in the middle of Kroger and I'm sure people two aisles over could hear my little baby boy growling away!

#2: You have learned in the past couple weeks how to SCREAM. No, not cry scream... Scream for joy! Even the ladies at daycare have commented how you have become very vocal... only one girl has actually stated that you scream a lot, though. I think they don't want us to feel bad. Don't worry, Happy Elephant! We don't! In fact I'm so proud of how you're learning to communicate!

You are ALMOST rolling over. Your Daddy and Grammy have been working with you A LOT on rolling- so far you're getting on your side and ALMOST getting all the way over. Sometimes you work so hard at rolling you grunt and yell and sometimes even push a little toot out! Cracks us up!

You laugh ALL. THE. TIME.

You probably laugh more than you cry. I just type that and feel so blessed. Thank you for having such joy exuding from you!

Our favorite songs are...

*He's my Rock, My Sword, My Shield
*I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in my Heart
*Arky, Arky
*The Keegan Michael song Mommy made up when you were one week old
*Touchin' Daddy's Face (The song DADDY made up when he makes you touch his face and nose, and you laugh SO hard!)

Every day is a new adventure with you. Everyday I pray that you grow to be a man who loves Jesus with his whole heart; Who honors and respects his parents (and some day your wife, too) and who makes great choices in life. We pray for you SO much. We LOVE you SO much. You have taught us so much about ourselves in these past four months, that you will not ever understand until you are a Daddy yourself. I just hope that you grow up knowing how absolutely LOVED you are.

Okay, now onto a couple randoms that I'm addicted to this week...

As you all know I've been trying so hard to lose this baby weight. I've really been watching what I eat (with an exception being our anniversary weekend, duh!), and been having to find some good alternatives to satisfy my cravings...

Has anyone else ever had THESE babies?!

OMG. I'm addicted. They're seriously only 60 calories, but are SO deliciously chocolatey and tastey. Even Kris loves 'em.

Second, I'm sure I'm late on this bandwagon... and I may or may not have bought them for the first time because John Stamos did the commercial...

Mmmm! Greek yogurt! It is so filling! The Oikos one has 11 grams of protein.. but Kroger brand has 14! So I have it for breakfast and it keeps me so full until lunch time!

Anyway, life is so good. Just enjoying our time together! :)

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