Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Karolkiewicz Daily 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR, friends!!!

2013 was an incredible year. So many awesome changes, and I even finished the year strong. That is a good feeling. I have been working really hard at losing the baby weight, and I even LOST five pounds in the month of December (I normally GAIN that weight during that month)! Before the year finished I went through my closet and our toy boxes and de-cluttered, and was able to give lots of stuff to Goodwill. Such a freeing feeling!

That being said, I haven't been one to really do "resolutions" normally, but since I seem to be really good at meeting the goals that I set lately (which honestly, I normally drop them really quick), I figured I would go ahead and make some resolutions for 2014!

1) I have already lost the "baby weight" but I want to lose a little bit more. I had never felt strong before, but I LOVE that I feel strong. I want to continue to build muscle and lose weight.

2) I want to continue to de-clutter our home. I do a pretty good job at it, since I tend to be the one who is less sentimental with stuff (compared to my husband! What?!), so I tend to pitch a lot. I want to weed through our basement and get it organized this year.

3) Lastly, one of the sweet bloggers that I follow on Blogger and Instagram, Shay Shull, did something that she called ShayEveryday2013. She made sure to post a picture on Instagram of their happenings EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Then each week she did a recap on her blog (for those that don't follow her on Instagram). Follow me on Instagram (id: mandy_k1179) for my version... karolkiewiczdaily2014, or check in weekly for our happenings that week!

Have you set any goals for the New Year? If so, do you normally keep your resolutions and finish strong or do you lose focus soon after January?

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