Sunday, December 22, 2013

4 months old and feelin' good!

How is this boy 4 months old today?!?! 

Time for a Benny Boy check-in:

How cute is he?!?!

Weight: Still waiting on an official weight, but I'm pretty sure he's about 12 lbs or so. So much bigger than Keegan was at this age!

Clothes: 6 months clothes and going! He went from premie to 6 months in 3.5 months. What a little muffin.

Diaper: size one- close to moving up to twos already!

Sleeping: Bennett Chase has been sleeping through the night since eight weeks. He'll occasionally wake up for a bottle at night when he's going through a growth spurt, but more nights than not he's sleeping a good 11 to 13 hours a night. He LOVES to be swaddled, too. He is a cat-napper, though. However, he is a Momma's boy all the way and will fall asleep for nice long naps when I put him down at home. I credit Baby Wise all the way for my kids sleeping habits. In no way have I ever let my baby cry it out. I just follow the routine of "eat, wake, sleep" and the night time sleeping soon follows... It's almost like a miracle pill for baby sleeping habits :)

Eating: still a formula fed boy. He has gotten much better at latching onto the bottle over the past month (that was where we saw the most developmental delay initially when he was born late-preterm). However, I think we're working toward baby food/purées soon. I just got a Baby Bullet as a Christmas present, so I'm working on filling the freezer. I never made homemade with Keegan, but we're eating so much healthier now, that I can use all the fruits and veggies lying around. We'll see how this goes!

***side note: I would never buy a Baby Bullet on my own, since I knows it's just a food processor, so it's not necessary for making purées. I'm grateful to of received it as a gift, as it kind if makes baby food making a little more fun with the smiley face baby food jars and the instructions in comes with.

Milestones: for us, it is a big milestone that he's stopped struggling to latch into the bottle. He's smiling a lot more lately, and laughing out loud. It's precious. We're still working on rolling over but that will come in time. I'm not pushing the whole mobility thing, and am enjoying this milestones as they come. 

Bennett-Chase- you are a joy. You are calm and kind and sweet spirited. You are teaching us how to love even deeper, and are teaching your big brother how to be gentle and attentive. We love you so much, Benny Boy, and pray God's grace on every aspect of your life. 

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