Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mr. Moody-Pants-Sleep-Fighting-Karolkiewicz :)

Remember that good napper I applauded in my last post?! I have no idea where he went. He's an angel still- I love him more than anything, but he WILL. NOT. SLEEP. It's such a battle. My husband has always told me about the temper that he used to have (which I still have yet to see- so I think it's safe to say he's cured ;)... and I think Keegan has that same temper by nature.

It's frustrating- because when he gets worked up- I'll tell you what. He will kick, and flail, and scream and cry SO hard that his entire back and head is drenched in sweat. Seriously?! I've never seen anyone get that mad for no reason! Hopefully this phase will be done as quickly as it started. It's been about a week and a half now. He will only fall asleep if he's snuggled up on either Kris or I, and then if we put him in his bed- and he opens his eyes at all- all hell breaks loose!

We've done the swaddling, the gripe water, the swaying and the shushing... to no avail. But what's crazy is that when he's happy- he is SO HAPPY. Smiles all around, playing contentedly by himself on his play mat, etc. If anyone has any advice, please, don't hesistate to share (you should be able to comment directly on the blog now- I got that glitch fixed!-woot!).

I will note that when we went to the doctor last week, we figured out that Keegan has really bad acid reflux. Bless his heart. Projectile spit up, hiccups, coughing and choking, etc. Praise the Lord we have the Angel Monitor- which is a pad that you lay under the mattress and it sets an alarm off if your baby stops breathing for longer than 20 seconds. The other night it went off and I was able to pick Keegan up and pat his back enough to kind of clear his airway. Poor guy. Hopefully his medication will start working. It's been almost a week and so far I do not see much improvement. Our doctor said that if it doesn't start improving they'll want to order an ultrasound to see if Keegs might need a little corrective surgery. So keep my baby in your prayers, please!

Somehow, during this rough period, it still breaks my heart to know that in 6 more weeks I'll be back to work. I just will miss that boy (drama and all!) more than anything. We're starting to look into day cares- there's one in Holt down the road from our church that I'm considering. It's at a Baptist church- and seems very similar to the Baptist church that I was raised in. Somehow that seems a little comforting to me. I think we will try to schedule a visit there this week.

I won't lie: every day I pray that God will work some sort of miracle (ha, like us winning the lottery, or getting some sort of surprise inheritence, or Kris getting a great raise or us selling our house- really, I've thought all these scenario's through!) so that I can stay with my family. SO, if you happen to be in the mood to make a huge financial donation to the Karolkiewicz Stay-at-Home-Mom Fund, don't hesistate ;)

I kid (kind of!).

Anyway, Keegan and I have an afternoon ahead of us. We have to run to Meijer, then we're headed to our friend, Dorelle's house. Her birthday was yesterday, and her little boy is two weeks older than Keegan. Should be fun! Then: FINALLY... the AIR CONDITIONING PEOPLE ARE COMING!

Our air KIND OF works. It will run for a few hours before everything freezes and then we have to turn it off for 3 or 4 hours and let it thaw. Yup, that is NO good with a newborn baby on a 95 degree day. Needless to say, I will LOVE the repairman if he can fix it today!

Wish us luck for all of the above! And again, if you have any suggestions for what worked for your children when they could not be consoled- please share! :)

1 comment:

  1. Mandy, do you have a mobile that plays music for an extended period of time? Parker has one that has three sounds (music, nature and womb sounds) that plays the sounds for maybe 20 minutes and also has a projector on it that play images on the mobile part. It was a lifesaver for us with Parker because it distracts him when he does NOT want to sleep, and the music/nature sounds help him fall asleep fast. If all else fails, I hold his paci in his mouth since he tends to spit it out when he sucks to hard. He's just one of those babies that loooves his paci when he sleeps.

    Good luck! We're praying for you and Keegs!
