Sunday, June 12, 2011

Busy week, time for updates!

I definitely need to get better at updating. THANK you to everyone for their encouraging words and their advice in terms of getting the baby to stop fighting sleep. I have to say, I think we found the trick... DADDY! Every night, the only way to get Keegan to calm down, is to have Kris snuggle him, patting him on the back laying down with him. It's worked like a charm!

PRAISE THE LORD... Keegan is also starting to take a pacifier. I have to say, he's kind of a diva though! We had to try about 4 different brands until we finally found his favorite... He's a sucker (ha, I so didn't even plan that pun!) for MAM Pacifiers. I think it's so cute when babies use paci's... PLUS, you can take a paci away when they're two. You can't take a thumb away, though, so that's why I SO wanted him to become a paci-baby!

The past couple night's Keegan has been waking up just once at night (I am knocking on wood SO hard right now). However, I still wake up more than that just because I'm used to it, now! But, because he's been sleeping so much- and napping like crazy during the day- he's been a JOY whenever he's awake. Here's my smiley little peanut this weekend:


 He is a total cheese ball for the camera, and I ADORE it. There's nothing better than making your baby smile!

 Even in his sleep (and NO, we did not pose him like this! This is one of his favorite positions to sleep in).

Smiling at Momma.

We had SUCH a great weekend as a family. It was busy, but great. Yesterday we had a house showing- hopefully they will start picking up a little more now that school's are out, and summer's almost in full swing. Luckily it's been cool out this week, because our air conditioner is broken, and NO ONE wants to buy an insanely hot house.

I'll put this out there: if you are a closet heating/cooling technician, please let me know. It is going to be ridiculously expensive to repair (the parts are covered by warranty, but the labor is SO expensive!), so if you would like to give me a deal, please do, and please let me know ASAP so we don't get it fixed yet! :)


Yesterday we also decided to go for a long walk. We went about 2 1/4 miles and I'll tell you what- it KICKED. MY. HINEY.

I am trying to get rid of the rest of this baby weight. It's starting to come off- but I definitely need to do more of these long walks! I told Kris we could  take the stroller... He decided he'd rather use the infant carrier... HA! YUP. He walked 2 1/4 miles like THIS:

What a guy!

Today we had an AWESOME message at Riverview. Like it's ever bad, but it was great, and the music was phenomenal. It's awesome because our church has all different types of bands. This week- my favorite style: FOLK! It's great, and makes you just want to dance and sing-a-long! And I did! :)

Afterwards we went out to eat with some friends. Before I knew it, it was 4:00! Where did this weekend go?! Where have the last 7 weeks gone?! I can't believe Keegan will be seven weeks old tomorrow. It's great and all, but kind of makes me sad! He's getting so big, so fast! Luckily I know that this is only the beginning of our family, and that is a great feeling.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot get enough of this lil cutie and his smiling face! Ha and I cannot believe Kris carried him ALL that way! What a dad! Happy to hear the lil guy is catching a few more zzz's AND you guys had a showing, great news! In my thoughts & prayers as always, miss you guys~Love, Jacque
