Friday, May 27, 2011

Good finds, good memories!

Look at me. Now that we're getting Keegan on a schedule, I'm able to blog a bit more (don't worry, I'm knocking on wood right now). He's getting SO good at napping. He might cry for a minute, so I'll pick him up, rock him, and lay him back down and he'll sleep for about an hour or so. We're only about a 1/2 hour into this nap, so here we are blogging away!

I know a lot of people are not into the whole Baby Wise thing, but I know that I read the book and it makes SO much sense. Keegan is getting on his own schedule, and it makes life so much easier for us, because we know WHEN he'll most likely be napping, when he'll be hungry, etc, so that we can plan on when we'll go and do things. It's phenomenal. Take it as you will- I know it's not for everyone, but I already feel like it's helping our family transition to this whole mommy/baby thing.

Anyway, during our "wake" time after his 10:00 feeding, Keegan and I went to Target. We needed paper towel and some more big kid clothes... (ha, and I may or may not have ended up picking up some tops that will actually fit me and my big-mama sized upper bod- woot woot! You know, nice and baggy!) He's gotten a little bigger, so I've had to go pick up a couple more 0-3 month onesies. What a big kid. Anyway, they had ONE adorable little onesie:

You can't see it very well in the picture, but it's by Bumpkin, and it's Dr. Seuss- Cat in the Hat! So cute. Plus I figure that's gender neutral (I'm trying to still buy some while he's so little) so we can use it for future children too, whether Keegan has a brother OR a sister.

Also, I had been thinking about the fact that I hadn't bought one of my FAVORITE children's books yet. I finally picked it up at Target today, too.

Remember this book? Yes, there are so weird parts, like when the mom drives across town with her ladder and climbs through her grown son's bedroom window and rocks him while he sleeps, but come on. The concept is so sweet. SO sweet that while I was reading it to Keegan today I started bawling. I just love him so much and that sweet, simple song is SO true.

I love you forever.
I like you for always.
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.

What a great day. I feel great after that good, HAPPY cry!

Also, on a completely different note...

Has anyone else discovered Zulily? I had read about it on a ton of other blogs, but never actually signed up for it. I finally went ahead and typed in my email address today- Oh. My. Word. VERY cute stuff. They have special deals every day on Boutique-type items (women, maternity, infant, and children clothes)- up to 70% off! Anyone that knows me knows that I love a good deal, and instead of letting people THINK that I got something for full price, I have no problem flaunting my deep discount. That being said, this website will be the death of me (and my husband ;) Ha!

Anyway, this is going to be SUCH a long weekend. But an AWESOME weekend. My little brother graduated high school last night. Kris had class so Keegan and I went up to the ceremony. It was really hard with him, but he was SO good and we were definitely good and tired when we got home. We sure are proud of Uncle Allston! Tomorrow we're all heading back up to Grand Rapids for his graduation party. It's going to be a GREAT time. Yesterdog (one of our favorite hot dog restaurants in East Town Grand Rapids) is going to be catered. Mmm! Delish. I will definitely be posting about it sometime next week.

Everyone enjoy your long weekend! :)

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