Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The First Three Weeks!

Wow. I totally thought that when I was home on maternity leave I'd have all sorts of time to do fun things like blogging. NOT TRUE! I am lucky if I can get a shower in! Thank goodness, my sweet boy is sitting cozy in his bouncy right now, so I can have a little bit of time to update.

As busy as I have been, there is NOTHING like being a mom. I love it more than anything. Who would've thought that a little person who can't talk, and who just cries, eats and poops could so quickly and easily capture your heart! I just adore him. He's a riot. Not that everything has been easy. Keegan tends to get a pretty colicy at night- which was SUPER hard the first week or so. We tried gas drops, to no avail. However, we discovered the most incredible substance on earth:

Baby's Bliss Gripe Water! Not just any gripe water works for Keegan. We've tried a couple and, of course, this is the most expensive, but I'm willing to pay it for some peace at night. Since we've found it, Keegs sleeps for about 3 hours at a time at night, will get up, eat and go right back to sleep. At first our days and nights were mixed up. And I'll tell you, my son can SLEEP. He sleeps SOUNDLY. We have to work at waking him up throughout the day by getting him undressed, changed and sometimes even some cold wash cloths (no, I'm not mean- our pediatrician told us we needed to do all of these measures to try and get him on schedule). The funny thing is that sometimes none of those even work to wake him up! Anyway, if you're a mom to be, or if you have a young baby who has trouble getting a little colicy at night- WRITE THIS DOWN and go to Rite Aid or Meijer and pick up a bottle!

Another awesome purchase I want to share is a diaper bag I recently got. It's a Vera Bradley and is on sale for just $48.00! It's so cute, I don't have a problem just popping my wallet in it and just carrying it as a bag:

So cute, huh?!

I feel so silly admitting how I thought it would be so easy being home with Keegs. It's crazy, because you get up, nurse, and then try and speed to get ready between nursings. Then you nurse again, and try to get the house in order before you start your day. Then you nurse again, and are struggling to get out the door to get your errands done before 1:30 or 2:00... Really?! I can't believe I ever thought stay-at-home-mom's had it easy. It's so much harder than working... but seriously the most rewarding thing on earth.

Keegan went to church for the first time on Sunday. He did AWESOME! We only had to step out one time toward the end of service for a diaper change and to start a bottle. However, we were able to make it back in for the last set of worship songs. It was so rewarding to stand worshiping the Lord with one of the greatest gifts He's ever given me right there in my arms. How incredible!
One more random thing I'd like to share...

A couple of weeks ago I recieved a letter in the mail with the return address from my cousin's little boy, Joe. Talk about the sweetest letter I've ever recieved:

Yup, let me type out the letter in case you have trouble reading it on the picture...

On the left it says, "A fine new baby boy."

On the right it says:

 " Dear Cousin Mandy, Happy Baby! Congratulations! I saw a picture of my new second cousin! He was so cute! I wanted to give this to you because you went through all that hard stuff. PS. the money in the card is for the baby! :) Joe!!"

Is that not the sweetest card you've ever read? I love the innocence and the sincerity. I so appreciated that card. In fact everytime I think of it I can't help but smile! Keegan sure is lucky to have so many people who love and care about him. 

Anyway, time to nurse again!

Ha, hopefully we can get some things done today. If not, there's always tomorrow!!! :)

Just because he's so cute... here's a sweet picture of my favorite baby boy:

1 comment:

  1. Mandy! I could've told you to have Baby's Bliss on hand when that boy was born! That's what we went through with Hannah, except it was 24/7.
    Thanks for the shout out to stay at home Mommers... it's tough! Hang in there, and know you are doing a fabulous job! This too shall pass.

    Love you girl!
