Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What's in a name?

As many of you now know, Kris and I are excitedly welcoming a new baby into our family, expected around mid to late September. We are thrilled. Becoming a mom was that pinnacle defining moment in my life when I realized why I was put on earth. God is so good.

We wanted another, but I'll be honest, after finding out I was pregnant I had all sorts of trepidations arise. Would I really be able to love two children as much and as hard as I love Keegan Michael? What if it was boy? Could I handle TWO little boys (this fear was made much more real now that Keegan is in the full blown terrible twos and literally runs laps around our house screaming)? Could I handle a little girl and all of the drama that comes with her as she gets older?

So many what if's were going through my head.

And of course, as soon as you tell friends and family you're expecting, all of the name suggestions start coming. Ha! Some of my favorite suggestions were "Farty" and/or "Fruity." Unfortunately we decided to pass on those... Ha!

Our impatience was through the roof and we decided to head over to Baby Envision in Brighton for a 3-D/4-D ultrasound this past weekend. I figured the sooner I knew who was in my belly, the sooner I could start planning (Type A personality anyone?) and get to know this little Baby Bop... and we could narrow down names, as our list was pretty lengthy.

So ladies and gentlemen, without further adieu, I'd like to introduce you to baby Bennett:

Definition of the name Bennett: (English origin) BLESSED

He is 100% boy, and looks JUST like his big brother Keegan at this age.

We are still trying to decide on a middle name, but I'm so thrilled to have two little boys. As soon as the ultrasound tech put on the monitor, I could tell, even from the profile view that he was a boy. A flood of relief came over me. My confidence increased, and I have such peace knowing that I can "do" boy. I've done it before, and I'll happily do it again.

I remember crying as I was putting away all of Keegan's newborn and 0-3 month clothes and praying for another little boy to wear those clothes again. I feel so overwhelmed by joy to have these little boys and know that it's only by God's grace. 

Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes. Please continue to pray us through this pregnancy! 

Hopefully I will have a little more time coming up where I can update this blog a little more and give Bennett some more In-Utero attention like I was able to with his brother. However, let's be real. It's so much harder to get a minute to do ANYTHING with a crazy (almost) two year old running around!

1 comment:

  1. It's so fun to have two boys. They will be awesome playmates. :) So excited for you, Kris, and Keegan. Congratulations!!!!
