Sunday, April 14, 2013

17 weeks and counting

Poor Benny-Bear... With Keegan I already had 5 pregnancy posts at this point in my pregnancy. It's just crazy how much less time I have when I'm chasing my crazy little Keegala Peegala around all the time.

I definitely took for granted all of the rest and down time I had when I was pregnant with Keegan.

I'm showing much earlier with Bennett than I did with Keegan. But I suppose that's to be expected!

So here are some current pregnancy highlights:

I'm 17 weeks!

How Far Along: 17 weeks

Size of baby: Bennett is about the size of an onion (or 5.1 inches long and approximately 5.9oz) according to The Bump.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: This morning I stood on the scale and I've gained 7lbs so far. With Keegan I gained 45lbs overall, and I really don't want to gain that with Bennett. I would LOVE to stay under 25lbs weight gain.

Maternity Clothes: I prefer maternity pants at this point, but I love that I get to be pregnant during warmer weather this time. I'm enjoying Maxi skirts and looser dresses already!

Gender: Baby Boy- Baby Bennett (middle name still undecided!)

Movement: I don't feel Bennett the way I felt Keegan. I have an anterior placenta in this pregnancy, so any kicks have to make their way through the placenta up to the top of my belly. Kris has only felt Bennett move once so far, and I don't feel many kicks- I feel MOVEMENT though, and that's what's so confusing to describe to people!

Sleep: I don't get as much rest during the day as I did with Keegy Peegy, so I find that I fall asleep easily (mostly) with this pregnancy. I just wake up frequently to go potty. :)

What I miss: Not too much. Other than having an adult beverage if we go out to dinner, but that doesn't happen a ton anyway! Maybe being able to go up and down the stairs without being winded?!

Cravings: Strawberries, Greek salad(Preferably from Zeus' Coney Island), hummus with balsamic vinegar and feta, and Greek yogurt. Yikes, I just realized how Greek all of those cravings are! Maybe Bennett is more in touch with his Greek heritage than Keegan was?!?! Oh- and iced tea. I LOVE iced tea!!!! Mmmm!

Symptoms: Tired, my sciatic nerve is acting up, I am still going potty every half hour (which maybe is because he's sitting so far back?!), my nails and hair are growing like crazy (whoop!), extreme heartburn/acid reflux.

Best Moment this week: I've been so overwhelmed trying to figure out which double stroller to get... We love our City Mini Single stroller, but the double was much more expensive, and I heard it was just much more wide. We finally decided on the Combi Twin Sport Side by Side. It had GREAT reviews, and could fit my Graco infant car seat without any additional attachments to install... And we got it on sale from $260 down to $180 and free shipping! Whoop!!! I'd never used it before, but what a deal! I'll update as we use it, but I'm pretty pumped!

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