Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Off the face of the earth


I guess it's just the summer time and I'm very busy, and have a lot more going on then blogging- so maybe I'm not lame. But I FEEL lame when I see the last post was on MAY 24th!!!!! Ah. SO sorry. So now Keegan's napping, the dogs are sleeping, it's raining outside and I'm settling down with a glass of sweet tea ready to blog again. Good morning :)

SO where to begin?

First of all- we officially have a super walker on our hands. He's been full time walking for just over a month or so. No more crawling for this boy! He cracks me up. His feet get tired after all that walking... good thing he has a daddy who rubs his little baby feet (that's the photo above). He's suddenly such a big kid. He's an absolute toddler. I love that I can ask him to do something, and he'll do it, or ask him to repeat a word after me and he tries.

He's still sleeping like a champ. He sleeps about 10-12 hours straight a night, and still take a couple of good long naps a day- morning and afternoon!

He's still a skinny little boy. He got sick last week with a double ear infection- we were on SUCH a healthy kick. I don't think he was sick since FEBRUARY or so!!! Well, when he was at the doctor, he was weighed... Still just 20 lbs 7 oz. Ha! My friend at work's daughter is only 9 months old and is over 23lbs. What a little boy. Love it :)

He's super cheerful and silly. I love now that he truly thinks he's hysterical. He tries doing something but sometimes can't because he starts laughing before he can finish. Hahaha!

He likes to walk around the house saying, "Hiiii!" to things. He frequently picks up objects and holds them up to his ear and yells, "HEY-OH!! (his version of "HELLO"). Keegan gets VERY upset when the dogs wrestle or bark. He walks right up to them and starts yelling at them. HA! He makes fists and yells, "DOGS! AHHH!" Ha! A boy after his momma's heart :)

He went from only calling Kris "DeeDa," to "Dahd." Not just Dad- but DAHD. Haha. He walks through the house during the day while Kris is at work looking for him: "Dahd? Dahd?"

Anyway, I didn't think I believed everyone when they told me that having kids just gets better and better. But I'm starting to see that. I LOVE getting to know Keegan. I love that we can joke around now, and we find each other so funny. I love to do things with him. I love learning what makes him tick. I love watching his relationships with his dad, grandparents, aunts, etc- develop. So proud of the boy that he's becoming. There is truly nothing better.

Our house is back on the market as of the end of May with a new realtor. She's fantastic. We're praying that we get a buyer as soon as possible. It's just so nice to finally feel like we have a realtor that's actually DOING something- unlike the entire year before that it was under contract with another realtor :) We've staying VERY busy. We've probably had 10-15 showings so far, and have had all positive feedback. Just waiting on a buyer!

We're spending our summer doing SO much. We're traveling up north a bit, fun weekends away, visiting with family, LOTS of showers (my sister, Molly JUST entered her last trimester TODAY- Where have the past 6 months gones?!) etc. But it's enough to keep us very busy. Here's daddy and Keegan having a snack up north at the cottage:

Kris just started a new job with Coke. I think this job is perfect for him. What a great opportunity. He's back and forth between Kalamazoo and Lansing though- lots of early mornings for him!!!

We're trying to trust in God' guidance for our family. We're feeling a little overwhelmed with a lot of unexpected stuff right now. We found out after I had my ER stay back in April for my gallbladder, that NEITHER of the hospitals in the Lansing area are in network. Which would have been just fine- because our insurance company says that ER stays would be covered 100% whether it's in or out of network. However, I recently received a bill for almost $9,000.00 that the insurance company is saying is too much and they won't pay (The $9K is AFTER the amount that they already paid. I'd be stuck with the rest). So there's all sorts of stress going on while I'm trying to negotiate with the hospital/insurance company/file complaints with the insurance commissioner.

It's pretty frustrating because the whole in vs out of network is a result of politics between the insurance company and a local insurance company that they branched out from. UGH!!

Needless to say, I'm really am a little stressed that if anything goes wrong that would result in either Kris, Keegan or myself ending up in the hospital- that we'll be stuck with ginormous bills again. What a pain.

Through all this though, I'm realizing my lack of faith. God has ALWAYS provided. He's ALWAYS blessed us enough to make ends meet. I'm trying to remind myself of His constant promises.

OH- and on a TOTALLY unrelated note- well, maybe a little related because I started doing this to cut costs.... WE ARE NOW A CLOTH DIAPERING FAMILY!!! I thought I would do it as a sacrifice. But I surprisingly LOVE it. I may just start advocating for it because I love it so. It's fantastic. I am promising right now- I will post on it tomorrow. I've found some incredibly cheap cloth diapers that work great- at least for babies Keegan's age. I'll have to do a follow up post after we have another baby that I try them on to let you know how they work for little babies.

OKAY: I will post about cloth diapers tomorrow, and will try to do better at posting this summer!


  1. Hi Mandy! I used to live with Molly in college :) I can't remember how I found my way to your blog, but my son Caeden was born the same day as Keegan, so I always like reading your updates!

    I LOVE hearing about other moms who've fallen in love with cloth diapers! We've been cloth diapering Cade since he was about 2 weeks old (as soon as he could fit into them) and we've been cloth diapering full time ever since. I could not be a bigger advocate for it- it's so much easier than people think!

    What kind are you using? We have 24 of all the same- Bumgenius Elementals in various colors. I love that they're all-in-one and one-size-fits-all!

    If you have any questions about using them on the go (we've taken several 9+ hour car trips and vacations and never skipped a beat with our cloth) I'd be happy to help!

  2. Oh- and I blog too! this post in particular:

    Gives a good breakdown of the potential cost savings of cloth- another reason to love!

    1. Hi Savanna-

      Yes, I remember you! How fun that they have the same birthday. It was a good day, for sure! :)

      I will start to follow your blog. Molly filled me in a while ago about some of the things you've started doing to help other new moms adjust. Very cool.

      I am actually surprised that I love cloth diapering- we are actually using an off-brand/knock off of bumgenius. Truly, I couldn't bring myself to pay that much when I was skeptical. BUT, these ones that I bought on eBay from China are fantastic and they work GREAT- and I've gotten them for about $4 each or so.

      Have a great day.
