Thursday, July 19, 2012

Beginning our cloth diapering journey

Okay- so as I posted yesterday, money has gotten tighter than usual.

I've considered cloth diapering since I was pregnant with Keegan, but was too intimidated to truly consider it. I would try to find cloth diapers on sale, but I could never find them for less than $15-$20 per diaper and I just couldn't stomach spending that much on diapers if I didn't think I could commit to it.

I have a little side account that I save up for gifts for Kris- I put $50/pay in it. I had a little bit of extra money and I found a knock off brand, with pretty good reviews on eBay- 10 diapers (the ones with pocket inserts and snaps) and 10 microfiber inserts shipped from China for $40 total. Now THAT I could stomach.

They finally arrived a week ago. We have religiously used them (except for at daycare for about 13 hrs/week) they require disposables there!) and I've amazingly fallen in LOVE with them.

How could I fall in love with poop and pee filled laundry, you ask?!

Well- I will preface that I do have a nice front load high efficiency washer/dryer. So that helps. It IS hard only having 10 diaps- but I've already ordered another 10.

I don't buy any fancy detergent. Personally, I just use regular detergent. I put just about 2 teaspoons in. NO fabric softener... But maybe once a week I will put a tad of white vinegar in the rinse to keep them from getting stinky.

I do one cold quick wash with detergent. Then I run it through one hot cycle- without adding any more detergent or vinegar.

Personally I dry it in the dryer to help kill more germs.

Anyway- I thought women that cloth diapered were nuts. I thought they were tree hugger hippies or very judgmental of people that don't cloth diaper...

Well now I'm that mom- but I'm definitely NOT hippie, and I definitelyyyy understand why a lot of people don't want to take the time on it.

But for me and my son, and the situation that we're in currently, it works for us- and it works well. And it doesn't hurt that he looks so cute in those bright colors! If you want the link to the diapers that we use for CHEAP, let me know- I'm happy to direct you to them!

1 comment:

  1. Have you talked to your daycare about possibly using cloth diapers? I thought that when we started Cade in daycare back in January that I would have to really look around and do some convincing to find a daycare that would accept them, but as it turns out, they didn't even bat an eye when I told them we use cloth! I just put clean diapers in his bag every day with a wet bag and then at the end of the day we take the wet bag home and I toss them in the laundry bin. The only "extra" thing we had to do was bring a container that latches for them to put the wet bag in. I've heard that if you use pocket diapers, usually they just like you to stuff them ahead of time so that they don't have to do that step. If they try to tell you that licensing doesn't allow for cloth diapers they're lying to you!
