Thursday, April 21, 2011

38 Weeks and Getting a Little Antsy!

I'm not going to lie. The past couple of days have really shaken my spirit! I've been stressed and exhausted- I am just feeling READY. This boy is so "funny" that he's faked labor a couple of times. Not all out labor, but enough that I have uncomfortable contractions all day long, going from 7 minutes, to 6 minutes, to 5 minutes apart, lasting for a minute each, for about an hour (yup- just enough to make us think, "oh boy, this is it!"). And then as soon as we get excited, they slow down. And then stop... and then start again a couple hours later! AH! It's so frustrating sometimes!!!

I'm trying to be patient, because I know this boy will come in due time, and in the perfect fashion. I know God has a perfect plan, and his timing is just right. I know this, because I've always witnessed this in my life. Right when we're most frustrated, asking God why things aren't happening the way WE want them to happen, or in the timing we want them to happen, but then in retrospect we see God has SO much better of a plan for our lives. If I knew what was best for me, I wouldn't have met me husband, or be living in my beautiful home here in Lansing, expecting a fantastic son. I just have to start reminding myself of that! If you are a praying person- please be praying that I will start truly BELIEVING this and feeling that God's plan's much better than mine. Please pray that if this boy's going to keep being "funny" and take his time- that I will at least be more comfortable in the process! :)

Anyway... I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and now I'm full blown 2 cm dialated, and now 60% effaced. It's progress- not a ton- but progress, none the less!!! :)

Here's this week's update:

I'm 38 Weeks!

Not going to lie... I no longer do my hair. I wear it curly because I can do nothing with it for two days. Yup. I give up! :)
How Far Along: 38 Weeks Pregnant
Size of baby: He's about 19 1/2 inches long, and about 6.8 lbs... Wow, that's a lot o' baby!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Ah, back up to 30lb weight gain. Oh well. I'm going to breastfeed (Lord-willing) so that should help take some of that off... Right?! :)
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity- all maternity pants, and some regular shirts.
Gender: My baby boy, Mr. Keegan Michael :)
Movement: Well... He's running out of room, obviously. He's dropped VERY low (according to the doctor). What's the coolest is that I've been able to feel Keegan's little fingers for a while- but this week I could feel him going to town with those little hands really strong, and so I had Kris feel them too! It's so awesome. I can't wait to feel those fingers OUTSIDE of my belly. COME ON, KEEGAN!!! Let's GO, Buddy!
Sleep: I hardly sleep. I miss the days of when I used to sleep 10-11 hours a night on the weekend... Now I'm good if I get 6-7 hours... And I'm waking up every 2 hours! 
What I miss: Oh you know, just bending over, and not walking like I have saddle sore, not hurting all over in general!
Cravings: Well I'm quite the fan of Honey Bunches of Oat's lately. Unfortunately, even THAT gives me acid reflux. Ha! How is that possible?!
Symptoms: Sleepiness, sore joints and hips, sore boobs, acid reflux, pain in my pubic bone, a lot more shortness of breath... my sciatic has been acting up, and pregnancy brain big time, lot's of contractions... UGH.
Best Moment this week: Hmm... I hate to say that nothing really imparticular stood out to me! I'm not being a pessimist, but I'm just so whooped that I don't feel like I can think of anything that is a best moment!!!


  1. Praying for you, Mandy! Sometimes it really is a struggle to trust God's timing...I know that feeling all too well. And I think you look great! Really, I mean that! I have a feeling that looking "work appropriate" is going to get very hard for me to pull off by the end of the school year, haha. It's hard not to feel that way now sometimes! Stay strong, momma!

  2. Thank you, Mikenna! I know exactly what you mean with the whole "work appropriate"... But believe me, people are much more understanding when they look at your stomach! HA! :)
