Thursday, April 14, 2011

37 weeks... Full term baby! :)

Well. Look at us! 37 weeks pregnant! That's full term! So crazy. However, this boy is already giving us a run for the money. Keegan's always been EXTREMELY active, and then all of a sudden, yesterday morning I woke up, and didn't feel that boy move ALL day. Typically at night, Kris will talk to my stomach and wake Keegan up right before we go to sleep, and then- obviously-I have a hard time falling asleep with a 19 inch kicking baby in my belly. Last night, Kris talked into my stomach, and that child didn't budge. Last night when I woke up in the middle of the night I didn't feel him kick, but only felt him having the hiccups for a couple of minutes, and then they left.

ALL day I didn't feel anything either! I even got a chocolate shake on my lunch break to try and get that child to move- to no avail. I finally told Kris that I hadn't felt him in a couple of days, and Kris encouraged me to call the doctor. I called, and the nurse recommended that I head to the hospital after work for some monitoring just to make sure he was okay. They took me right back, and I explained everything I just explained to you, to the nurse. She decided to poke everywhere that baby could possibly feel to try and irritate him to move. Nope, still wouldn't move! She hooked us up to the machine, and his heart rate was great. They could detect some movement (small movements, but movement none the less) and were encouraged by that. I've had contractions for the past week or so, and they monitored those as well. After an hour they averaged that I'm getting contractions about every 6-10 minutes (woot, woot!- come on, my little full term, baby!). And to my surprise, I'm already starting to dilate- only about 1-2cm so far- but hey, that's progression and I couldn't be more excited!

Keegan still didn't kick at the hospital, though. I was able to pick up dinner on the way home, and Kris was able to get out of  class a little early. And now that we're home with full bellies, guess who's being such a silly guy?! Mr. Keegan Michael! I'm laying in bed, and this child is starting to kick around like no one's business. Really, child?! He's a naughty little guy I have on my hands. Either that, or a super sound sleeper!!! :)

Anyway, let's hope this progression continues... BECAUSE....

I'm 37 Weeks!

How Far Along: 37 Weeks Pregnant
Size of baby: He's just over 19 inches long, and about 6 1/3lbs... Wow, that's a lot o' baby!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I lost a pound this week at the doctor! I'm down to 29lb weight gain! Woot, woot!
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity- all maternity pants, and some regular shirts.
Gender: My baby boy, Mr. Keegan Michael :)
Movement: Well, I think that huge three paragraph novel above describes his movement this week!
Sleep: What's that?! I think it's safe to say I'm now just sleeping about 3 hours a night any more. I'm whooped. I know it's just "natures" way of preparing me for once Keeg's is born and I'm hardly sleeping either. But it's so exhausting! I just wanna sleep!
What I miss: Oh you know, just bending over, and not walking like I have saddle sore!
Cravings: Hmmm. Nothing in particular. Just food in general :)
Symptoms: Sleepiness, sore joints and hips, sore boobs, acid reflux, pain in my pubic bone, a lot more shortness of breath... my sciatic has been acting up, and pregnancy brain big time...
Best Moment this week: My dear friends, Dorelle and Bryan had their baby boy, Gavin, on Saturday! He's precious. He has the most expressive little eyebrows. And let me say, I was holding him on Tuesday evening, and when he started crying, Keegan went nuts in my belly. It was so funny. It was almost like he was saying, "HEY! That's MY mom! Back off, Gav!"

1 comment:

  1. thought I'd see if I finally found a way comment on ur posts! I Love that the lil man's already got jokes for you guys, i'm sure he'll keep ya on ur toes for many years to come! & How CUTE that he was NOT havin you with another baby, love it! Can't wait to meet him!!!
