Saturday, December 1, 2012

Public Meltdown 1.0

We're on a budget, and I am obviously in love with a good deal. So when I saw that JC Penney's was doing FREE family photos for the month of November, I knew we had to schedule an appointment before the end of the month.

I've always hired photographers to come to our house for pictures, but I knew it was such a great deal, and Keegan is ALWAYS a gem in public... normally...

He did great when we first got there... but they were behind, so we had to wait in the lobby. Keegan loved the toys... but pretty soon sweet Peegy turned into a raging terrible two year old.

He wrapped his arms around/across whatever the other little boy was playing with and yelled, "Noooo! Noooo! Mine!"


Keegan has not been the fastest physically, but I've prided myself in his incredible social skills.... and THAT, ladies and gentleman, is what pride gets you.

Everyone says that Keegan's a photographer's dream as he looks right at EVERY camera and says, "Cheeeeeeese!"

Not Thursday night... 

He shouted and screamed,and flailed his arms about.

We got a whole ONE decent picture.

All that to say, when you get your Christmas card from us, please know the work and disaster that the photo session was... and maybe save it for a little longer than you normally would! Haha! Don't worry, you don't REALLY need to do that :)


  1. LOL this made me laugh. You are such a good mommy!

    1. Haha oh thanks Katie! I appreciate the encouragement :) Kris even said when we left JCPenney, "This is in my top 10 WORST Keegan moments ever." Haha!
