Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lets talk about Mom Jeans....

I'm currently on a mission...

A mission to mildly revamp my closet. Since Keegan was born, I've been so much more conscious about dressing age appropriately. I know what you're thinking... "But, Mandy, you're so young and sooo thin and your boobs are in the exact same place they were two years ago." So sweet of you to say, friend, but oh so wrong.

First of all, I'm not arguing that I'm young. Relatively, I am. But let's compare that with the age group that I HAD been dressing with... Forever 21 anyone? Charlotte Russe? Hollister? Anyone? Can you say SO college-y?! Anyway, I first had this epiphany while lugging a two week old baby in his carseat into Forever 21 while a bunch of 17 and 18 year old girls shopped around me. I proceeded to do a quick loop of the store and quickly leave. I ended at Ann Taylor LOFT and found a few nice, conservative outfits and felt so much more comfortable shopping amongst people at a similar place in life. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with those stores, FYI- I just felt like an OLD lady amongst all those young sorority girls, and I'm only 25!

Second, let's talk thin. I'm at my pre-baby weight, and have been for about 4-5 months. I think I can confidently shout that pre-baby weight does NOT mean pre-baby body. Things change. Not just the obvious... But little things, like, although I can fit in my pre-baby jeans, they're just not the SAME... Kind of in the way they fit, but also, kind of in the way I'm much more self conscious about having too low rise jeans so my muffin top hangs over the edge... HA!!! Anyway, I've got some new favorite jeans: trouser jeans! I have a couple pair that I surprisingly found at Target that have great stretch to them and are high enough of a rise so that my muffin top doesn't even cross my mind. Denizen by Levi anyone?! I just found some on the clearance rack at Target for $12! I'll take it! Woot!

Anyway, this mission has proven to be quite a challenge for me. Money is tighter now that I'm part time, and in all honesty, I just can't bring myself to pay a lot of money on clothes. I've had good luck with the Banana Republic outlet, and with Target and Marshall's.

Anyone have any awesome suggestions for some grown up, relatively inexpensive but still hip looking (for a mom-ha!) clothes?!

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