Monday, November 28, 2011

My Mister Seven Month Boy


Give mommy a moment to cry.

Okay, Keegan. I'm done (for now).

Not only are you such a big boy, but you're seriously the worlds kindest baby. You have your moments because, well, you ARE a baby... But you make friends everywhere you go. We hear, "Gerber Baby" from everyone you meet because not only are you my little Mr. Punkin Face, but you're SO smiley and kind to everyone!

You still LOVE daycare. Today when daddy picked you up he said you were working VERY hard in the exersaucer- you didn't even notice him!

Today you've really figured out how to walk around when daddy holds your hands. You got so excited it looked like you were running. You'd pick those little knees up so high- sometimes you were marching! So cute! Still not crawling... You get so frustrated and- okay, I'll say it... A little lazy- and just fuss fuss fuss since you can't figure out how to get anywhere!

You're sleeping through the night again. Thank You, Jesus! Your health finally seems on the mend (I literally just knocked on wood), but we're pretty sure your bottom teeth are finally coming in soon. They're SO swollen, you're tugging on your ears and a little fussier (but, no ear infection).

You're still wearing size two diap's, but I think you're about ready to move up to size three's... Plus, we have Santa diapers in size three so... :)

You are only 16 pounds, 9 ounces (little boy!), but you are an EATER! Must have your daddy's metabolism! You have about three BIG containers of baby food and about 20-25 ounces of formula a day. Big belly! :)

We love you, Keegan. We couldn't ask for a cuter or more fun baby boy. You already have a sense of humor, and a sweet spirit that I just can't get enough of.

We pray for you daily- multiple times a day, and we are so blessed to know that you are surrounded by so many other people who are lifting you up in prayer and committing to help to raise you up in Christ.

I so hope that you come to understand who God is, and the incredible characteristics that He possesses, that I pray you will develop as you grow up.

He has blessed us so much: He's given us an amazing family, a beautiful home, peace, grace, mercy, forgiveness and the gift of reconciliation. He is GOOD. Happy Thanksgiving, Keegan Michael, and Happy, HAPPY Seven Months!

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