Friday, June 24, 2011

My big TWO MONTH old Boy!

You were a little fussy tonight while I tried to take this picture... that's why you are on your changing pad... Your FAVORITE spot in the house! You will lay there completely entertained by that part of the ceiling for 20 minutes or so... !
Keegan Michael...

You are ONE MONTH OLD TODAY  TOMORROW! (we will be gone for the day!) 

And I cannot believe it. You have made my life SO much better. It only continues to get better day after day, no matter how tired I am!!!

You finally got into size one diapers just a week and a half ago or so. You have the tiniest butt and waist still, though! HA!

You are wearing all 0-3 month clothes! BIG BOY! You even wore a 3-6 month outfit last week! (well, all 0-3 month except for pants/shorts. You're so skinny you still wear newborn size in those).
Last week at your weight check (nope, not two month appointment yet, but at your weight check because of your belly issues) you were a whopping 9lbs 13oz. It cracks me up that you were not even 10lbs yet. You really are Mommy's LITTLE boy!

You are still a Momma's boy- definitely. But you and your Daddy have a GREAT time watching some Yo Gabba Gabba and working out (Daddy likes to use you as a weight!).

I think you make actually ALREADY be starting to teeth... YUP! You're drooly, fussy and have a little white dot on your gum. Maybe it's just the start... This whole teeth thing could be a really long haul! Maybe it's just a coinsidence though!

You're still a Smiley McGee. You are always smiling and starting to laugh a little. When you smile REALLY big I can see little dimples on both of your cheeks and I LOVE it! You make me feel SO funny (though I'm really not)- but THANK YOU, Keegy! You know how to boost your Mommy's self esteem!

Because of all your belly problem's you still struggle with sleeping at night. The longest you've slept through the night was 5 hours- but more commonly sleep about 3-4 hour stretches at a time. Here's hoping that as your Acid Reflux get's better, and as you get a little older those times stretch out a little further! Mommy hasn't had a full night's sleep since you were born! Whew!

But do you know what, Keegan Michael? I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love you with everything I am, and love you more and more each day I spend with you!

On a side note: As a lot of people know, we've had our house on the market. We have another showing tomorrow (Saturday) sometime between 12:30 and 2:00- please say a prayer that God will bring us a buyer and bring one quickly! :) THANK YOU!

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