Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hello, Third Trimester!

Today marks the first day of our third and FINAL trimester of this pregnancy!!! I am getting to ready to meet this handsome boy face to face. I already adore him, but can't wait to get to know him better outside of the womb! :) Next Saturday (the 19th), Kris and I are going to celebrate Valentines Day by going and getting another 3D Ultrasound at Baby Envision in Brighton. We went there at 17 and 1/2 weeks- because I was SO impatient I couldn't wait any longer to know if that little mover inside me was a boy or girl. They were so sweet there, so I can't wait to go back and see Keegan now that he's getting more chubbs on him! 

I celebrated the start to this third trimester with a visit to the doctor this morning- always fun! Luckily since I had accumulated so much overtime this week and because I had a special work event to attend for an hour and a half this afternoon, plus, I'm working on Saturday- I was able to stay home from work today! That's always makes for a fun day! :)

So here's my update:

I'm 28 weeks!
How Far Along: 28 Weeks
Size of baby: Keegan weighs about 2 1/2lbs and is about 15 inches long (according to
Total Weight Gain/Loss: AH! I went to the doctor's office and was in shock. She said that it shows me at a 22lb weight gain!!! MY scale shows 18-19lb gain, but I'm sure their's is more accurate... so 22lb's it is! :(
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity...
Gender: Sweet Baby Boy- Keegan Michael :)
Movement: He's crazy. Kris likes to wake him up right before we go to bed. He still doesn't get that having a 15 inch baby kicking inside of you CAN keep you up at night ;)
Sleep: I have trouble falling asleep. I'm in a lot of pain- like joint pain and pelvic pain, so unfortunately it hurts everytime I have to move. Plus I have such bad acid reflux that it is waking me up in the night... SICK!!! Ha!
What I miss: HA! Not walking like I have saddle sore!
Cravings: Chocolate Pudding, Orange Juice, Sushi, Waffles
Symptoms: Sleepiness, sore joints, sore boobs, acid reflux, and as of this week I have such a horrible pain in my pubic bone- like someone kicked me! Ouch. I now have to wear a maternity support belt... Ha, maybe those 22 lbs and all this pain means Keegs will be a big healthy boy!
Best Moment this week: Hmm... I don't have a specific moment. It's been a super busy work week, so I haven't had much time to pick out a best moment!
Welp, we also celebrated tonight with a good Polish classic: Pierogies! Mmm! Must be the little Polish baby in my belly just begging for some yummy food. I went grocery shopping today and couldn't walk past the Mrs. T's pierogies (my mom-in-law makes fantastic home made pierogies... I'm not really Polish, so I think it's okay for me to use frozen ;).
Just to make your mouth water....


Carmelized Onions and Spinich/Feta/Potato Pierogies... Mmmm!

HAHA, why am I shocked when I see a 22lb weight gain already?! Ha!

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