Saturday, February 19, 2011

3D Ultrasound: Last time we see Keegs until he's born!!!

This weekend has been fantastic so far. Kris and I had yesterday off, but were running, running, running almost all day! We went to our doctor's appointment- and we have good news to report! Still, they don't think they have any reason to be concerned with Keegan's heart. Apparently he had a bright spot on his heart at the 20 week appointment, but they said it's seemed to of faded. Keegan was turning away from the ultrasound tech the whole time, and kept hiding his aorta so they DO want us to come back after he's born for a check up so that they can see his heart when he's outside of the womb. So far, so good! :) We then picked up some gifts for one of my dear friends who's having her baby shower tomorrow, and then did a little bit of shopping at the outlet malls (praise the Lord for the Motherhood Maternity outlet store there!), and then met up with some friends for dinner. Yes, busy!

Today we ran some errands, and since this is our celebration of Valentines Day, Kristopher got me the BEST gift (I may, or may not have helped with the picking out of it)! He decided to let me become one of the cool kids at school and got me started on a Pandora Charm Bracelet:

There are star burst clips, with some blue enamel beads, with a baby carriage in the middle!

That was our first experience with Medawar Jewelers, and I will say, we had fantastic service, and everyone was SO nice there. We were surprised by how BUSY they were on a Saturday morning. They're not even located in a mall or anything, so they really had their own traffic! I would recommend them to anyone! :)

We just got back from Baby Envision in Brighton where we got to see Keegan Michael one last time before he arrives. Not that I'm biased or anything, but HE IS CUTE! He looks a lot like his daddy, and has BIG lips, a cute little button nose, and extremely squeezable cheeks if I do say so myself.

Here he is:

So there's a preview to my new little love of my life (obviously, in ADDITION to my Kristopher)... Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Also, please keep me in your prayers. It's been such a busy weekend, but I've been fighting off the flu bug AGAIN, starting in the middle of the night last night... ugh!

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