Sunday, November 18, 2012

You, doing that thing you do...

My sweet son...

The things you do amaze me.

I cannot believe your mine.

Even when you shout "no no no no no!" at me, I'm just amazed that you're mine.

Let's touch on some of my favorite Keegan-ism's at 18 Months:

"Oh my!"
"Oh boy!"
"I do!!!!!"
"See?!?! See?!?!"
"Tick-ah, Tick-ah, Tick-ah! (Tickle)"
"Meeeeeeee (please)"
"Bye, See you!"
"Bye, Tinkle! (when we flush the potty!"
"Dogs! Down!"
"Heh-whoa (Hello?!"
"Yay!! (while clapping)"
"Thank you!"
"I Sar (I'm sorry)"

And one of my favorites is how you refer to Bob the Builder:

"BOB-AH" or "Bobby!!"

Haha! I have no clue where you learned that, but it's hysterical!

There is never a dull moment. And you are SO busy. So busy. My body is sore from chasing you so much. But every day I love you more.

Recently I realized something: you will NEVER love me as much as I love you. And that's just fine. But you will definitely love your own baby as much as I love you- I'm confident in that. And I'm already proud of the awesome father that (Lord-willing) you will be.

Okay, cheeseball moment over.

Let's discuss how big you are:

You are a little boy still. Still 10th percentile for weight and height, and 90th for head (you're brilliant! Ha!).

You are a big cousin now, too. You are a GOOD big cousin. At first you were leery, but the last time you saw him you boys were just two peas in a pod. I'm so excited for you two to grow up friends. I pray that you all will grow big and strong and close as friends! We just wish we could see Baby Cohen and his parents more- but we treasure the time that we have!

You are a Mr. Goofball at school. The teachers have referred to you as "something else" after you get all the other children riled up doing something silly. Just recently one of the teachers told Daddy that during lunch time you got the whole table singing "Do do do do do!" and no one would eat their lunch.

You are a BIG goof!!

You clean up after yourself like a big boy. You have learned to wipe up your own spills, and to even put the towels back that you use. Thank you, Mr. Helpful!

You are also going tinkle on the potty on a decently regular basis. I hope Santa Claus brings you another potty so we can really focus on the potty training since you're such a big boy already!

You also love a good back massage. If you're having a difficult day, you'll climb up into the armchair and start the massage chair all for yourself! You press your back up against it and say "Ahhhh!" You sure are your momma's boy! :)

You are a smarty pants. You know what a sheep, cow, dog, cat and duck say. You repeat most letters after us. We say, "One, two," and you shout "Three!!!"

Thank you for being kind. Thank you for being friendly and BRAVE! We love you so much and love playing with you- no matter how tired we are now! Ha!

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