Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lovely Easter

This has been a great day.

We decided to stay close to home today. We've realized that it's pretty exhausting going places on Sundays. After the past few weeks that we've had, we just needed to lay low as a little family. It was great because we were able to go to Riv this morning and sit with some of our sweet friends.

I always leave our church astounded. Not only are we so blessed to have a bible based church, but where else can you get worship that's a mix of contemporary worship, blended with a tad of folk- add some trumpets and throw in a rapper... and somehow it all is mixed together PERFECTLY to be so cool?!

We came home and did a little photo shoot with Keegan to catch him in his cute Easter clothes... This is my favorite of him:

Yesterday we visited Kris' mom, step dad and brother in Grandville. They hid over thirty eggs in the back yard for Keegan to find. It was a perfectly gorgeous day yesterday- so it was the most perfect day to be out there in the sun on an Easter egg hunt!

He LOVED it!!!

Grandma and Uncle Mike picked out an Easter cupcake for Keegan to enjoy... It went from this:

To THIS so quickly:

Hahaha! We took him right upstairs for a bath after this! We didn't have any baby shampoo at their house, so we tried not to use regular soap around his face... so for the rest of the day his face was dyed red! Luckily it came out that evening in his bath with his baby shampoo. What a nut.

After church today we came home and I made dinner. I kind of played with a few recipes that I found on Pinterest. We had baked garlic pecan chicken, sliced cinnamon sweet potatoes, asparagus and cucumber water:

Our Easter Lilies spell better than any I've ever had before! They're so fragrant that the whole first floor smells like it! Love it!

I love Easter. Not only are the Spring colors great, and it's a fabulous excuse for a yummy dinner and a little candy, but I love what it means. I love that we can be reminded of the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross. How incredible that when Ee hung on that cross He thought of me?! He KNEW that I would be born and would be far from perfect, but He loved me anyway.

Wow. I pray that someday- early in his life- Keegan can really grasp the idea of Salvation and commit his life to follow Jesus.

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