Thursday, December 22, 2011

Its the most wonderful time of the year... I think. I dont really remember...

The title of this blog is the perfect example of my scattered brain the past few weeks. I'm not joking when I say that I'm pretty sure both Kris and I were googling symptoms of a brain tumor, or whatnot, after the sudden change in my scattered-ness over the last month.

I've misplaced everything. I wish I could implant magnets under my skin and onto my phone, keys and debit card. I'm finally realizing that if I don't do something RIGHT when I think of it- it won't get done. Super irritating!

Is old age really setting in this fast?!

On Saturday we went to Kohls so I could use some Kohls Cash before it expired. We walked around until I found something to spend this free money on, and got in the 20 something person long line. I rummaged through my purse to find the coupon on, and it was gone. I remembered getting it out and carrying it around, but apparently I dropped it. Merry Christmas to someone at Kohls, then! Enjoy your free money that this crazy lost.

From there we went to Kroger. Kris drove, but I used my Kroger Plus Card on my keychain to check out. The next day I couldn't find my keys and just KNEW the cashier didn't give them back to me. I called- no keys. Kris went in- no keys. I've been using my spare all week. Last night I finally rummaged through my purse again. There they were. Sitting right in the pocket where they should have been. I looked there about eight times, though!

I LOVE Christmas. I LOVE being a mom. I LOVE my job, and I LOVE that we have two showings ON Christmas Eve day because two families are THAT interested in our home. But- I can't wait until I get the hang of all this and can balance everything without feeling like I'm losing my mind!

Oh well. We'll make it work and laugh about my crazy brain in retrospect... (Well, AFTER I find what I'm looking for :). We're gonna try to take Keegan to see Santa tonight, so we'll make sure to post pictures on the blog soon!

But to tide you over, here's my little handsome boy:

1 comment:

  1. You know what's funny, I was frantically searching for things as I was leaving my parent's house last weekend...can't remember the first thing (see, I'm scatter-brained, too)...but both my sister-in-laws and I searched the house for a good 10 minutes for my keys...checked my purse several times. I decided to look one more time and there they were...some of the fabric folded over on top of them. It always feels 10x more embarrassing when others are involved in helping you look for whatever it is you lost!

    You are not alone!!
