Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy [half] birthday, to you!

My sweet little bitty...

You are SIX MONTHS OLD today!

I think I might cry!

You are the most amazing son and exactly who I would pick if I got to pick out who my first child would be. You have the most joyful spirit, and we feel so absolutely blessed.

You've really come out of your shell the past month and your personality is really developing. You really think you're funny (just like your Daddy! Ha!), and you actually ARE funny (just like your MOMMY! Ha!).

You have just learned how to shake your head- you don't know that it means "no" yet, but you do it to be silly, and sometimes in response to us asking you if you're silly. :)

You have also started giving hugs. When we're holding you and you get very excited, you laugh loud, wrap your arms around our necks and squeeze tight. A lot of times you have starting actually givings hugs when we ask for them! The absolute BEST feeling (I mean, I am a hugger- so you come by it naturally!).

You are a rolling over machine. All the time. And you're starting to try to get that booty up and those legs under you to crawl. You are very good at sitting up by yourself like a big boy- but you still love to lean to your right side when you're eating in your Bumbo!

You have about three big baby food meals a day- and you are getting so good at eating! When you're ready for a bite you lean forward and open wide (and then scream if we aren't fast enough between bites). Then you have bottles for the rest of the day

You still are not back to sleeping through the night... Come on, Keegy! It's been three months since you have. Needless to say, Mommy and Daddy are exhausted and have been getting by on Coffee and Claritin-D!

You absolutely love Henry the dog. You smile every time you see him and constantly try to grab him. He loves the attention... And loves to lick the baby food off of your bib :)

You are a size two diaper, and you are really starting to fill out and I absolutely love it. You're still on the smaller end if the spectrum... Last week you weighed 15 lbs, 10 oz.

You are wearing anywhere from 6-9 month close. Sometimes some 12 month shirts, but let's not push it, Big Kid :)

Here are a couple pictures from your 6 month photo shoot tonight in your diaper that I took while Daddy at Bible Study:


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