Sunday, September 25, 2011

Big Kid, Five Months Old!

Okay, are me and Kris the only ones who can't believe that Peasey is already FIVE MONTHS OLD?! Do you realize that's almost SIX MONTHS OLD, which is half a YEAR old?! AHH! It's so wonderful but so heartbreaking at the same time!

And, lets just say we've been SO busy today that I haven't been able to get a "five month" picture. So, I'll use some pictures that we took yesterday, which is close enough because he may be growing fast, but not fast enough for it to make a huge difference in 12 hours :)

I'm FIVE months old, today!

Keegan Michael, this has been a full and exhausting month. We absolutely adore you, and you are such a joy- but you've had an ear infection this whole month so you're up quite a bit at night again. Poor baby. We've exhausted all of our antibiotic options at the pediatrician- if when we go back for your check up on Thursday your ears are still infected, then they're sending us to the ENT to talk about tubes. Yikes!

But, because of all of these doctor's appointments we've been able to monitor your weight. You are now 14 lbs 10 oz, and are wearing mostly 9 month clothes now. You are decently long- but still kind of skinny. Things that need to fit in the waist you're still about 3-6 month, but in length you're definitely 9 month. You had a HUGE two week growth spurt where you were eating like no body's business, and gained over a pound in two weeks. That's nuts!

You LOVE to eat. You now grab for all of our food and like to lean forward and open your mouth anticipating a bite. I don't think you have a favorite food because you love it ALL! We normally mix puree's with either oatmeal or rice, and quite frequently you eat two full containers of baby food with cereal in one sitting. BIG BOY! And you absolutely love Mum-Mum vegetable crackers. You will devour one in just a few minutes.

One thing that's super cute is that you like to lounge in your Bumbo. I forgot to take a picture- but it's so funny. You're kind of lazy and sit up straight to eat for just a couple minutes and then you lean completely to your right side and throw your body over the side of your chair and lounge and make it so hard to feed you- but boy, are you comfortable! HA!

You are now offically in size 2 diapers. We still have a few 1/2's left, but we'll put those down in the basement and save those for the next baby!

You are still a growling machine. You are very vocal, and love to sit at the dinner table or kitchen counter and chat it up while grown up's are talking. SO funny.

You love your Johnny Jump Up, your Glow Worm, and your "Key's." You've figured out how to take the rings off of the key ring separately like a big kid now, and it's so cute! You have a scooty booty- and your favorite spot is still your playmat. You LOVE it and scream for joy and scoot around 180 degrees. Super fun.

Keegan, I can't believe that every month truly does get better and better. We have good days and bad days, but more good days then bad. There is nothing better then sitting and chatting with you and having you laugh your booty off at everything I say and do just because I'm your mom. You are the best. I am nothing but confident in the plans God has for your life. You are incredibly special and I know that you have an amazing future ahead of you. Thanks for loving me so and being so easy to love in return.

We had a fantastic weekend. It was super busy, but lots of fun. We went to Art Prize in Grand Rapids and went to my parents house and spent the day with them and my Aunt Sue and my cousin Becky and her daughter Rose. Keegan LOVES them, so it was fun to spend more time with them.

Rose is hysterical, and Kris loved it because he was able to do his "magic tricks" and she really thought they were good. HA! It was adorable because when we were leaving Rose actually started crying because she wanted to go to Kris' house... Haha! SO cute.

We had a great time seeing some cool sights and reminicing about some fun times we had together. Now we're itching to get to Chicago to see them again sooner rather than later! :)

Our little family is so happy going into this week. Kris actually has Thursday and Friday off so we get to spend some family time together more than just a busy rushed weekend! So, we're excited going into Monday- because the week will be short!

Everyone else enjoy your week, too!

Here's a photo to leave you with of Keegan and his cousin, Rose watching Veggie Tales together. I adore this picture:

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