Tuesday, August 23, 2011

thumbsucker, big boy bed and earthquakes

Well, golly.

First of all, can I just say that I sucked my thumb until I was 9?! I'm sure that's why I needed braces.

Kris sucked his fingers until he was 8. I bet that's why he needed braces, too.



Sucking his left thumb, just like his Momma.

Part of me wants to scream because I can already feel the effect of orthodontics on our bank account just thinking about it. The other part makes me a little warm inside because he's taking after me...

Let's just say the other day in the shower I was thinking of letters that the tooth fairy could write when he loses his first teeth to let him know that any further payments for lost teeth would be contingent on him no longer sucking his thumb... Ha!

Oh and BIG NEWS...

I promised myself that once Keegan's bronchitis/cough was gone we would work on him sleeping in his big kid bed in his big kid nursery (as opposed to his tiny little co-sleeper in our room).

And last night... WE DID IT! (Well, technically Keegan did it, but I think it was a bigger deal for me).

Granted, he's been sleeping in his crib during naps during the day- but the couple of times I tried him in his room at night when he'd peek in his sleep he'd start bawling because he didn't know where he was. Last night not only did he sleep straight through the night, but he slept 9+ hours, downed a bottle at 6:00 this morning, and then fell right back asleep in his crib. I actually had to wake him up for school today!

Yup, big deal.

Also, apparently there was an earthquake today and the rumbles could be felt in Michigan.

I personally didn't feel it today, but I did feel the one a couple years back in Kalamazoo.

I was asleep, cozy in my bed and I was having a dream about my Granny who had passed away a couple of years before. I woke up to her telling me something over and over again (I don't really remember what it was), but while she was repeating it to me, my bed started shaking and the shelf on the wall started rattling...

I was terrified.

I was convinced that my Granny visited me from the grave.

The next morning when my roomates all woke up I didn't say a word to them for fear that I was going crazy... Hahaha! Well later when I saw it on the news I was extremely relieved and thrilled to let everyone know that I felt an earthquake and was obviously not crazy/being haunted by my grandmother.

Anyway, today's earth quake brought back that memory and it made me laugh just thinking about it!

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