Thursday, March 31, 2011

35 Week Update... The countdown is on!!! :)

I can't believe we only have 5 weeks until Keegan's due date. It's coming up SO quickly, that it's starting to freak me out a little! We had our hospital tour this past Monday. It was very informative, but really started to make me kind of nervous. It was great to see the rooms and everything, but it just became SO real. It was pretty nice to know that Sparrow Hospital has you stay for 48 hours after a regular delivery, and 72 hours after a c-section. I definitely have heard things on TV about people having to head right home without having much time to recover and get a handle on the whole nursing thing, and I have to say, I think I will like having a couple days to re-coup and learn while under the supervision of people that actually know what they're doing with a baby!!! :)

I definitely hope that Keegan decides to arrive a little early. I have to say, I have SUCH a short torso that I already feel like there's no where else for him to go. He's already head down, but continues to kick me in my ribs anyway! Big kid, huh?!

I am SUCH a scrub anymore!!! Ha! My poor husband. Bless his heart for still being attracted to me. It's just regardless of how much effort I put in, I just still look tired and swollen! :)

I'm 35 Weeks!

How Far Along: 35 Weeks Pregnant
Size of baby: About 18 inches long, and just ove 5 lbs... Wow, that's a lot o' baby!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'll update that after my doctor's appointment next week. I'm not sure!
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity- all maternity pants, and some regular shirts.
Gender: My baby boy, Mr. Keegan Michael :)
Movement: Busy, busy kid! I have to say, though... I am starting to realize that I will kind of miss having him with me all the time! I know this is the closest we'll ever be. It's nice to know he's safe and sound in my belly when I feel him kicking around in there all day!
Sleep: I've had some trouble sleeping lately- lots of potty trips and frequent acid reflux don't make for the best night's sleep!
What I miss: Oh you know, just bending over, and not walking like I have saddle sore!
Cravings: Milk and Cadberry eggs and now I'm eating a lot of Subway tuna sandwiches... but not really because I'm craving them, but because I'm trying to eat healthy after seeing how much weight I gained my last appointment! Ha!
Symptoms: Sleepiness, sore joints and hips, sore boobs, acid reflux, pain in my pubic bone, a lot more shortness of breath... my sciatic has been acting up, and pregnancy brain big time...
Best Moment this week: Baby Shower and Baptism...! And it was kind of nice touring the hospital with my baby-daddy (no matter how overwhelming it was!).

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